
  • 网络迈克菲
  1. This is the fourth time McAfee published the annual list of dangerous individuals .


  2. From what you 've learned while in office , has McAfee 's strategy changed at all ?


  3. Netscape and McAfee veteran Cameron Lewis takes a different approach .


  4. The McAfee report also suggests that the mobile threat environment is fluid as new mobile platforms appear and as criminals explore new exploits .


  5. Asked why Mr McAfee might be concerned for his safety , he said , I am not sure what he is talking about .


  6. Cameron Diaz is the most dangerous celebrity on the Web , antivirus company McAfee said Thursday .


  7. Proponents of a kill switch know nothing about how technology works , says Robert Siciliano , a McAfee Online Security expert .


  8. Mildred McAfee Horton , President of Wellesley College , became the first woman elected a Director of New York Life .


  9. The founder of U.S. antivirus software company McAfee has been arrested in Barcelona on charges of tax evasion .


  10. John McAfee was detained on Saturday before boarding a flight to Istanbul with a British passport .


  11. There 's more in blog posts from Microsoft and McAfee describing the hack and precautions for users .


  12. Cyber attacks against mobile platforms , especially smartphones , grew in 2010 according to the published by McAfee Labs ( see Resources ) .


  13. Five or six years ago it would be prepackaged software like McAfee but now it is all in the cloud with continuous updates , he said .


  14. The McAfee report mentioned earlier stated that while the mobile threat growth is steady , the volume of threats is much less than for personal computers .


  15. Yet it is not clear why Intel needs to own McAfee , rather than just work with it for a long-term future where security is embedded into hardware .


  16. Mr McAfee reportedly told Wired magazine that he had dug himself into the sand to avoid detection when police entered his house on Sunday .


  17. More than 100 countries are believed to be using the Internet for espionage , says McAfee , the information technology security company , in a report released on 29 Nov.


  18. It 's been nearly a year since Dave DeWalt took over as CEO of McAfee , the No.2 security-software company .


  19. The McAfee report doesn 't minimize the danger from the Conficker worm but says other threats that haven 't received media attention may pose greater risk .


  20. Dmitri Alperovitch of McAfee describes the intrusions as " the biggest transfer of wealth in terms of intellectual property in history . "


  21. The report challenges one myth & that cybercriminals based in Eastern Europe favor Western targets . Instead , McAfee has found no boundaries for cyberthreats .


  22. It is surely no coincidence that according to McAfee 's statistics the second-largest source of SQL injections in the first quarter was none other than America .


  23. Big-name security companies like McAfee and Symantec who made their mark selling antivirus software for PCs in the 90s have also come out with security features for phones .


  24. According to a recent report from McAfee , an Intel ( INTC ) company , 97 % of malware detected on mobile devices were designed to attack Android .


  25. We just happened to be affected by the world 's next-big-virus threat weeks before any large anti-virus companies such as McAfee had a fix for it .


  26. Powerful new mobile phones and portable computers will also be targets as thieves try to bypass tight security to steal emails , documents or contacts , security firm McAfee said .


  27. McAfee concluded that " the problems faced were not separate things , they are all examples of the same thing , which is basically an effort to change business processes using IT . "


  28. This is according to a McAfee study the ' Carbon Footprint of Spam ' , which also found each time you copy someone else , another six grams of CO2 is added .


  29. McAfee expects that number to grow to its2008 level , even though spammers are taking longer than expected to recover from the McColo takedown .


  30. The term " Enterprise 2.0 " was coined by Andrew McAfee of Harvard Business School in an article in the spring 2006 issue of the Sloan Management Review ( see Resources ) .
