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  1. Carole Maso wrote the book that later became my art bible .


  2. Conclusions MASO of the uterus is an uncommon variant of mullerian mixed epithelial and mesenchymal tumor with distinctive clinical and pathological features .


  3. The three writers I wanted to meet were Carole Maso , Lynne Tillman and Peggy Phelan .


  4. But Maso , which had a stake in the company through its funds , believes Bona should have been worth more than four times that , according to people familiar with the claims .


  5. Earlier this month , the Cayman Islands Grand Court granted a petition on behalf of three funds managed by Hong Kong-based Maso Capital to have Chinese movie distributor Bona Film liquidated .


  6. Funds such as Maso claim that these companies have been bought with the intention to relist them in China at a much higher price and are seeking to use the Cayman Island courts to compel the companies to pay more to former minority shareholders .


  7. Maso and its lawyers are seeking a winding up of Bona because they believe it " has made a conscious decision to attempt to put assets out of the reach of the company such that any judgment obtained by petitioners would be worthless , " their petition states . ?
