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  1. Effects of Different Yeasts on Fermentation Property of Dough and Quality of Mantou


  2. Mantou @ is the Chinese name for a sweet food similar to bread .


  3. Traditional Mantou was fermented by natural mixed starter cultures with unique flavor .


  4. But Mantou was better than all the films of the spring , and made up for them .


  5. Effects of microwave-treated soymilk on Fermentation Properties of dough of Mantou


  6. The sedimentary basin evolution of Early Palaeozoic Mantou formation Yeli formation in the south of Liaodong Peninsula


  7. Chang Kwan came back to help Meiling in the shop and she gave him more mantou .


  8. The secondary transgression sequence constructed the shales and limestones in the middle part of the Mantou Formation .


  9. From Mantou Case See Copyright Infringement Crime in China ; A Comparative Study of the Internet Service Provider Copyright Infringement Liability between China and the United States


  10. Seismites of the Shidian Member of the Cambrian Mantou Formation have been found in different areas of the central Shandong Province in recent years .


  11. Mantou fermented by traditional starter cultures is very popular by people because of having unique flavour . But their industrial production and application are facing a series of problems .


  12. The siliceous rocks of the lower Mantou formation were resulted from the biochemical action during the sedimentary period and formed in the environment of low-tide shallow sea .


  13. The soy protein denaturalization and the reducing sugar content of soymilk treated by microwave , and the change of fermentation properties of soymilk Mantou dough were investigated .


  14. Special effort has been taken to promote the transliterations of items like Jiaozi , Baozi , Zongzi , Mantou and Huajuan .


  15. Through comparing gas production and leavening state of dough , and sensory evaluation scores and texture parameter of Mantou , the result shows that the fermentation property of dough and quality of Mantou fermented by different yeasts were different .


  16. Therefore , it is possible to say that the clash between a brief video Murder by Mantou and a famous movie Promise actually raised some basic questions concerning law and social transformation as following : How can we avoid the disintegration or devaluation of copyright caused by information technology ?
