
  • n.麦芽糖酶
  1. Study on Regulating Mechanism of Maltase Synthesis in Yeast


  2. To screen α - glucosidase inhibitor , three methods using the inhibitor activity of amylase , sucrase , maltase as models were established .


  3. Screening of Lactic Acid Bacteria with Inhibitory Effect on Maltase and Study on Its Characteristics


  4. The results showed that activities of maltase , sucrase and lactase in the intestinal mucosa in neonatal rabbits were ( 68 ± 15 );


  5. Moreover , the maltase and sucrase glycosidase activity in small intestine in quails lowered by 28.5 % and 38.67 % respectively .


  6. Compared with I group , the content of DNA and RNA in small intestine mucosa and the activity of lactase and maltase were increased significantly ( P < 0.05 ) .


  7. Conclusions Total small bowel resection caused significant adaptive expression of brush-border sucrase and maltase in the residual digestive tract in the rats after a total small bowel resection .


  8. All experiment results suggested that IUGR blocked the maturation of lactase and aminopeptidase in small intestine , and resulted in the premature of maltase and alkaline phosphatase .


  9. Bombesin had no effect on the activities of lactase ( P > 0 05 ), but increased the activities of sucrase and maltase significantly in the small intestine ( P < 0 01 ) .


  10. The in vivo experimental results showed that as compared with corn-soybean meal diet , feeding wheat-soybean meal diet significantly lowered the activities of lactase , maltase and cellobiase ( P < 0.05 ) .


  11. Methods : After feeding tea polysaccharides or polyphenols for 3 weeks , the changes of the level of blood glucose , insulin and the activities of amylase , sucrase and maltase in small intestine were inspected in diabetic rats .


  12. Monascus can produce a variety of biologically active enzymes : amylase , glucoamylase , maltase , protease , pectinase , lipase , ester enzyme , carboxypeptidase , aminopeptidase enzymes and so on .


  13. The results indicate that oral administration of insulin stimulates a increase in mucosal weight and protein content in the small intestine , specifically in the distal ileum , and total activities of lactase , maltase and alkaline phosphatase in the small intestinal contents .


  14. And the activities of the five disaccharidase ( maltase , sucrase , lactase , trehalase and cellobiase ) in intestine ⅱ were significantly higher than those in both intestine ⅰ and intestine ⅲ( P < 0.05 ) .


  15. After naturally suckled with their dams for 3 days , the differences of mucosal maltase and alkaline phosphatase activities between normal piglets and piglets with IUGR were all not significant , but the difference of total activity of lactase and AP was significant .
