maleic hydrazide

  • 马来酰肼;顺丁烯二酰肼;青鲜素
maleic hydrazidemaleic hydrazide
  1. Determination of Maleic Hydrazide Residue in Potatoes Using High Performance Liquid Chromatography


  2. This paper introduces the analysis of Maleic Hydrazide Residues in garlic with spectrophotometric Method .


  3. Recognition mechanism and affinity assessment of maleic hydrazide molecularly imprinted polymers


  4. On Analysis of Maleic Hydrazide Residues in Garlic


  5. Inhibitory Effects of Exogenous Abscisic Acid and Maleic Hydrazide on Panicle Sprouting in Hybrid Rice F_1


  6. The method for determination of the content of maleic hydrazide in plant growth regulator-A and-B by ultraviolet spectrophotometry was studied .


  7. Objective To demonstrate the mechanism of molecularly imprinted polymer of maleic hydrazide ( MH ) and evaluate the adsorptive specificity and selectivity .


  8. Conclusion The imprinted polymers can be used for separation , enrichment , and analysis of trace maleic hydrazide residue in plants especially for the solid phase extraction of trace maleic hydrazide residue from samples before detection .


  9. At the same time the sugar beet seeding induced by temperature and light were treated with growth substances such as abscisic acid ( ABA ), maleic hydrazide ( MH ) to select out the plant growth substances which make bolting reverse and doses .


  10. In our experiment , we used MH ( maleic hydrazide ) of 0.02 % and 0.05 % concentrations , as chemical stamen-killing drops to spray onion plants during the periods of bolting , florescence and blooming , and observed their effects on pistil and fruit .


  11. Peony can be defoliated 3 ~ 7 days and postponed to germinate 2 ~ 6 days by MH ( maleic hydrazide ) in autumn , which can delay the florescence 1 ~ 2 days , but the percentage of the blossom decreases and the scapes wane .
