
  • n.磁赤铁矿
  1. Also , X-ray diffraction studies indicate that the hematite contents in fine-earth fraction and clay fraction rise with increase in soil-forming age and that magnetite descends while maghemite ascends in content .


  2. In particular , the maghemite distributes mainly in the oil and gas bearing layer with the intermediate magnetic intensity . But the magnetite with the iron contents of 12.5 % distributes mainly in the dry layer at the bottom .


  3. Anionic maghemite nanoparticles allow labeling of a wide cell variety and their recognition in cellular , organo typical , and animal models .


  4. The nucleation , growth and self-assembly of rice-like maghemite nanocrystals have been investigated under the induction of applied magnetic fields .


  5. The good positive correlation between magnetic susceptibility and red beds suggest that the magnetic susceptibility changes due to the variety of the hematite or maghemite composition .


  6. Maghemite is directly prepared by pyrolysis of ferrous hydroxide as precursors in the presence of CO2-3 with microwave irradiation .


  7. It is indicated that some of maghemite resulted from the combusted powders react with barium carbonate forming into barium ferrite , while the others convert into hematite .


  8. The correlations in contents between maghemite and hematite and between pyrite and siderite indicate that the authigenous maghemite may have originated largely from the autochthonous hematite and pyrite .


  9. The result shows that in the presence of a 0.4 T magnetic field , the interaction between magnetic dipole and the magnetic field is now stronger than the surface interaction between the rice-like maghemite nanocrystals , preventing the formation of walnut superstructures .


  10. This may be explained when the climate was extremely dry , no magnetite / maghemite at all has been formed in the soil , and a precipitation threshold has to be crossed before the magnetic susceptibility starts to register the summer monsoon changes .


  11. In this paper , the abstraction and analysis process of iron oxide minerals from soils developed on carbonate rock are designed , high gradient maghemite grains are successfully obtained , and systematic studies are made of the iron oxide minerals by using mineralogical methods to probe into their genesis .
