low power processor

low power processorlow power processor
  1. By adopting of the high performance and low power processor chips absolutely lower system cost , this system has good practical value as an important sub-system of ITS .


  2. With the development of embedded applications , high performance and low power embedded processor will become the inevitable trend in the future .


  3. It recently launched its high-speed , low power Atom processor aimed at the smartphone and tablet market .


  4. Design of a Dual-mode Cochlear Implant System and Its Low Power Digital Signal Processor


  5. A Low Power Design of DSP Processor Bus


  6. A design of online configurable and low power cache for embedded processor


  7. The processor has a low power mode that stops processor execution when there is no work going on .


  8. So , it is becoming an important part of designing a high speed and low power memorizer for the processor .


  9. With the low power feature of ARM processor , designed an scheme of low power , portable detector of under water pipes leakage .


  10. The MSP430 series monolithic integrated circuit is a kind of16 bits ultra low power and composite signal processor which TI Corporationpromotes .


  11. The circuit designed in this paper uses for those system : digital signal processor ( DSP ), ultra low power microcontroller , and any other low power processor .
