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美 [ˈlɔrən]英 [ˈlɔːrɛn]
  • 网络罗兰;洛伦;罗伦


Italian film actress (born in 1934)
Synonym: Sophia Loren Sofia Scicolone


  1. That getting into Princeton isn 't a life-or-death matter hit home years ago for Loren Pope , then the education editor of The New York Times .


  2. My colleague , the late great Loren McIntyre , discoverer of the source lake of the Amazon , Laguna McIntyre in the Peruvian Andes , was lost on the Peru-Brazil border about 30 years ago .


  3. Sophia Loren goes to Russia to find him .


  4. Just listen and I will tell you about Sophia Loren .


  5. A second picture is a stock image of a working mother more luscious than a young Sophia Loren .


  6. Sophia Loren has been voted the world 's most naturally beautiful person , at the age of71 .


  7. Richard : you are wrong ! Just listen and I will tell you about Sophia loren .


  8. Sophia Loren tells the classic tale to Russian composer Sergei Prokofiev 's score .


  9. But he was equally famous for discovering a teenage Loren and turning her into one of the world 's most glamorous stars .


  10. Loren made her name soon afterwards when Ponti , 20 years her senior , gave her a part in a semi-documentary .


  11. Sophia Loren was right in front of me -- she 's a foot taller than I am , not counting the poofy hair .


  12. But so did most of the flag-bearers , except Sophia Loren , the universal symbol of beauty and passion .


  13. When danger threatens the forest , Athel Loren itself awakes to confront the assailant .


  14. Loren puts her curves and complexion down to " a love of life , spaghetti , and the odd bath in virgin olive oil " .


  15. He made a film A Countess from Hong Kong with the all-time , most famous celebrities Sophia Loren and Marlon Brando .


  16. I like this quote from the Italian actress Sophia Loren : " After all these years , I am still involved in the process of self-discovery . "


  17. Even the Archbishop of Genoa once observed that although the Vatican opposed human cloning ," an exception might be made in the case of Sophia Loren " .


  18. In Asia , perfumers often use florals , but they are treated very differently so they have a sheer , airy quality , says Loren .


  19. Women ranging from Marilyn Monroe and Sophia Loren to Kelly Brook and Catherine Zeta Jones today have been made famous by their hourglass figures .


  20. Their : Afghanistan Loren Taylor 's fiance , Staff Sergeant Christopher Miller , is one of the soldiers who expects to be heading for Afghanistan .


  21. Loren Frank , a neuroscientist at the University of California , San Francisco ( UCSF ), explains that checking smartphones is rewarding in some way .


  22. Loren Thompson , an adviser to US aerospace companies , said other safety-critical US businesses , including suppliers to Nasa , required at least the " two-fault tolerance " Mr Sgobba described .


  23. In the green room of the stadium , I met the other flag bearers : three athletes , and the actresses Susan Sarandon and Sophia Loren .


  24. The 777 has a near-perfect safety record , with essentially no mechanical malfunctions noted in two decades of flight , Loren Thompson , an analyst at the Virginia-based Lexington Institute , said .


  25. Loren Smith , a56-year-old talent agent who works as Santa at Sea World in San Diego , says he often leans over to mothers and says , 'You haven 't talked to Santa for a good long time .


  26. Human history is the history of our ascent up what the naturalist Loren Eiseley called " the heat ladder ": coal bested firewood as an amplifier of productivity , and oil and natural gas bested coal .


  27. After more than 60 years as an actress , timeless screen goddess Sophia Loren is sharing her story , her memoir " Yesterday , Today , Tomorrow " chronicling her earliest days in Italy amid poverty and war , painful even now to talk about .


  28. That is why leaders of the movement like Loren Cordain and Robb Wolf advocate a " wild " diet that falls roughly in line with that of those Paleolithic forager ancestors who had not yet learned to cultivate and eat grain , much less pry the lid off a Pringles can .
