
美 [ˈluːsɪz]英 [ˈluːsɪz]
  • v.松开,放开(尤指束紧或紧握的东西);释放;放任;射出(子弹、箭等);不受约束地表达
  • loose的第三人称单数



  • 1
    ADJ-GRADED 松动的;未固定牢的
    Something that is loose is not firmly held or fixed in place.

    If a tooth feels very loose, your dentist may recommend that it's taken out...


  • Tim clasped his hands together and held them loosely in front of his belly.


  • 3
    ADJ 零散的;不相连的;松脱的
    Something that is loose is not attached to anything, or held or contained in anything.

    Two young men were racing motorcycles on the loose gravel...


  • 4
    ADJ 不受束缚的;未拴住的
    If people or animals break loose or are set loose, they are no longer held, tied, or kept somewhere and can move around freely.

    She broke loose from his embrace and crossed to the window...


  • 5
    ADJ-GRADED (衣服)宽松的,肥大的,宽大的
    Clothes that are loose are rather large and do not fit closely.

    A pistol wasn't that hard to hide under a loose shirt...


  • His shirt hung loosely over his thin shoulders.


  • 7
    ADJ (头发)披散的,散开的
    If your hair is loose, it hangs freely round your shoulders and is not tied back.

    She was still in her nightdress, with her hair hanging loose over her shoulders.


  • 8
    ADJ 疏松的;稀松的;结构不紧密的
    If something is loose in texture, there is space between the different particles or threads it consists of.

    She gathered loose soil and let it filter slowly through her fingers.


  • 9
    ADJ-GRADED (分组、安排、组织等)松散的,随便的,自由的
    A loose grouping, arrangement, or organization is flexible rather than strictly controlled or organized.

    Murray and Alison came to some sort of loose arrangement before he went home...


  • The investigation had aimed at a loosely organised group of criminals.


  • 11
    ADJ-GRADED 意义含糊的;不严谨的;不精确的
    Loose words or expressions are not exact but rather vague.

    ...a loose translation...


  • The book follows four characters, loosely based on my uncles.


  • 13
    ADJ-GRADED 放荡的;淫荡的
    If someone describes a woman or someone's behaviour as loose, they disapprove of that person because they think she or he has sexual relationships with too many people.

    Is an actress who strips off in public necessarily a loose woman in private?...


  • 14
    VERB 发射(子弹、箭、导弹等)
    To loose a shot, arrow, or missile means to fire it.

    He trained his gun down and loosed a brief burst.


  • 15
    VERB 松开;放开;解开
    If you loose something, you hold it less tightly or untie it slightly or completely.

    He gave a grunt and loosed his grip on the rifle...


  • 16
    PHRASE 在逃
    If a person or an animal is on the loose, they are free because they have escaped from a person or place.

    Up to a thousand prisoners may be on the loose inside the jail...


  • 17
    a loose cannon→ see:cannon

  • 18
    不要混淆loose和lose。loose通常作形容词,表示不牢固或没有固定好,如:the loose floorboards on the landing(楼梯平台上松动的地板),a loose tooth(松动的牙齿)。lose则为动词,表示丢失,如:I've lost my wallet.(我丢了钱包)。lose的过去式和过去分词均为lost。

  1. Here the living human being looses its difference from its media image .


  2. It never looses its importance in our life .


  3. Sent to all game objects when the player gets or looses focus .


  4. When mind looses its freedom to grow , creativity gets a full stop .


  5. The immorality of school is the reason why school 's moral education looses its efficiency .


  6. Rather long sentence that looses its meaning perhaps the point coud be made more clearly ?


  7. Why would someone who just wanted to loose fat care if he looses a little muscle in the process ?


  8. This watch looses one minut a day .


  9. If1 of yours looses , move your card from it to your next choice .


  10. The research of writing skills looses its balance because of the lack of objective analysis , proper understanding and scientific comments on traditional writing skills .


  11. Be a non-neglectful component , Chengdu people 's livelihood TV news reflect Chinese people 's livelihood TV news ' gains and looses .


  12. The flight in and out of relationships soon looses its thrill , and the love addict is left with pain and loss .


  13. To solve this problem , the government gradually looses the control on the price of natural monopoly industries , through adjusting , transfering power to lower levels and regulating .


  14. Cutter-suction dredger looses the soil to mix with the water by cutter , and pumps the mud by dredge pump .


  15. In a bull market and particularly in booms , the public at first makes money , which it later looses simply by overstaying the bull market .


  16. As of this past spring , another manner in which humanity and earth alike looses dream has been understood through the map carvers of ascension .


  17. If a guest looses their safety box key , the AM must be informed , and together with Engineering , Security and the guest , the lock must be drilled open .


  18. From 1998 to now , the United States persists in being hostile to Cuba , but looses the sanction and increases contact with Cuba .


  19. Under the action of the centrifugal force produced from the high-velocity rotation transmission shaft , the dense coal slurry column looses in the equipment and is not easy to coke in the furnace hearth .


  20. The general artificial tracer model looses the limitation of traditional point dilution method . With the model , the horizontal and vertical flow velocity of groundwater can be calculated simultaneously . Therefore , the application of artificial tracer method is broaden .


  21. The availability of multi-cycle driven pulse for producing single attosecond pulse significantly looses the requirement of laser system in experiment . A high-power mid-infrared laser source employing dual-chirped optical parametric amplification scheme based on Ti : sapphire laser system is proposed .


  22. Write process in the thesis because of read requirement , the still fish-eye incompletion statistical looses after thesis the phrase person and chapter heading that the people harms a spring phrase to provide vs this read search of the reader who has interest .


  23. In order to reduce the economic looses , the ship should return to the planned route or resume the planned speed at a proper time , so this paper studies on the route to return to the planed route or the time to resume the planed speed .
