loose stool

美 [luːs stuːl]英 [luːs stuːl]
  • (中医)便溏;软状
loose stoolloose stool
  1. The main clinical features of spleen-deficiency gout patients were loose stool , obesity , belly full , body and joints sour , etc. .


  2. The total integral for the feeling of fullness , anorexia , belching and loose stool in the treatment group was markedly lower than that in the control group ( P 0.05 ) . After the treatment , the integrals for atrophy , allotypical hyperplasia , etc.


  3. ⑸ Sinking of Qi due to Spleen Deficiency Syndrome : pale tongue , loose stool , tenesmus .


  4. The main manifestations of the patients were subclinical infection , in forms of slight abdominal pain , mild diarrhea , and loose stool .


  5. ⑵ Spleen-Yang Deficiency Syndrome : loose stool , aversion to cold , pale tongue , edema , abdominal distension .


  6. Continence with loose stool could recover gradually in 6 months thereafter . The five years life rate is 66 . 7 % ( 8 / 12 ) .


  7. ⑶ Spleen Deficiency with Dampness Encumbrance Syndrome : edema , loose stool , sticky greasy fur , leukorrhea much volume .


  8. ⑺ Cold-dampness disturbing Spleen Syndrome : loose stool , slippery fur . Conclusions : ⑴ Loose stool were associated intimately with TCM Spleen diseases Syndromes .


  9. Indications and prevention of enteritis , diarrhea , dysentery pull yellow , white diarrhea and green loose stool caused by Salmonella , E.coli and other pathogenic bacteria .


  10. The treatment group is superior to the contrast group in the effects of improve symptoms including distending , stomachache , anorexia , belching , loose stool , pale complexion , lean , etc.


  11. The results indicated that the symptoms had statistical differences in the teeth-printed tongue group compared to the control group were deficient sweating , borborygmus , stomach fullness , palpebral edema and loose stool , among the checkup crowd .


  12. And the main symptoms such as abdominal pain and loose stool were also improved more significantly in treatment group than in control group , P < 0.01 . Conclusion : Electro-acupuncture is quite effective in preventing the recurrence of multiple adenomatous polypus of colon .


  13. 【 Results 】 The preliminary diagnostic criteria of SDS in CSG were as follows : ( 1 ) the major symptoms were characterized as yellow and greasy tongue fur , fullness or distension or pain in the stomach , loose stool and poor appetite ;
