local restaurant

美 [ˈloʊkl ˈrestrɑːnt]英 [ˈləʊkl ˈrestrɒnt]
  • 当地餐馆
local restaurantlocal restaurant
  1. The tour includes all entrance tickets and lunch at local restaurant .


  2. Chefs from a local restaurant prepared the dinner , called Outstanding in the Field .


  3. I 'd like to take you to a local restaurant .


  4. I met some friends at a local restaurant Monday night .


  5. Tom works as a cook in a local restaurant .


  6. 11 . Do you have a favorite local restaurant ?


  7. But along the way , they have also managed to disrupt their local restaurant industry .


  8. My first stop was at a local restaurant where I frequently dine .


  9. A local restaurant owner said he had been meeting his daughter from school each day .


  10. I suffer ridicule from economist friends when visiting a local restaurant .


  11. I was sitting at the bar of a local restaurant having lunch and taking a break .


  12. Lincoln leaves and heads to a local restaurant , asking about someone who called the other day .


  13. He studied hard in school and was saving money for college by working as a dishwasher in a local restaurant .


  14. Local restaurant owner M. believes that too many people walking on the stones are damaging the temples .


  15. They wined and dined her at a local restaurant the night before .


  16. After the hike , we rushed to a local restaurant and were ready to order a giant meal .


  17. Next , you will visit the Emin Minaret and eat a local restaurant .


  18. He knew that we were vegetarians and invited us to a vegetarian meal at the local restaurant .


  19. Take a Victorian horse-drawn hansom to a famous local restaurant that serves delicious Yucatan food .


  20. One evening , after we finished our dinner at a local restaurant , the tour leader approached me and asked if he could buy ice cream .


  21. I was having a drink at a local restaurant with my friend Justin when he spotted an attractive woman sitting at the bar .


  22. The husband and wife were spotted heading to a local restaurant for dinner in Shanghai on Monday as they continued their stay in the Far East .


  23. My favourite local restaurant is offering an unchanging daily menu all week , presumably because with almost no customers there 's little point buying food every day .


  24. Jack , the American teacher and his students from Zhejiang Education Institute started their work by teaching waitresses in a local restaurant how to greet foreign customers in English .


  25. With half its population foreign born , Vancouver is one of the most ethnically mixed cities in North America , and it shows in the local restaurant scene .


  26. The 30-year-old man has his meals brought to him from a local restaurant because it is not economical to start a canteen service for him alone .


  27. Katerina is enjoying a nice meal in a local restaurant when her Apple iPhone beeps to indicate that a message has arrived .


  28. Stake out a place in your home or use free available space in the community such as a library meeting room or local restaurant that you will use to conduct your search .


  29. and why a man whose father less than sixty years ago might not have been served at a local restaurant can now stand before you to take a most sacred oath .


  30. Community of Ha-kak had their annual gathering at a local restaurant near SS Cosmas and Damian Church , Tsuen-wan .
