loan loss reserves
- 贷款损失准备金;贷款烂账准备金

We will allow full tax deductions for loan loss reserves for loans to small and medium-sized enterprises .
And any money you take out of your loan loss reserves the accountants let you send right to your bottom line .
JPMorgan ( JPM ) took back $ 1.9 billion in loan loss reserves in the third quarter of this year alone .
Profits at the mega-banks may come in a little weaker in the year to March , if they boost loan loss reserves .
However , fewer consumers and companies defaulted on their loans , prompting JPMorgan to release $ 1.5bn in loan loss reserves – a windfall that accounted for more than a third of profits in the three months to the end of June .
If there is objective evidence of impairment of the loan , the bank should be provision for loan loss reserves in accordance with the loan .