
  • 网络里伍;李伍
  1. Sunyelin copper deposit in Sichuan Jiulong is located in the north of Jianglang magma-metamorphism core complex , and is one of mining areas in Liwu copper mine .


  2. The Liwu copper deposit is a typical medium-sized polymetallic deposit in the western margin of Yangtze terrane , which has a complex metallogenic setting and is potential for the prospecting .


  3. Based on process mineralogical study of copper ore , the floatation index of Liwu Copper Mine is advanced by using collector PAC .


  4. As Xiao Liwu continues to grow , his mother Bai Yun will take him exploring the zoo 's off-exhibits areas .


  5. Xiao Liwu 's family is safe in the San Diego Zoo , but other members of his species are not so lucky .


  6. Xiao Liwu , whose name means " little gift , " was enamored with the green toy and would not let it go during his 18th veterinarian exam earlier this week .


  7. Lin liwu , an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and a national model worker , has won11 prizes of the national , provincial and ministerial levels .


  8. The zookeepers also weighed Xiao Liwu , 14.5 pounds , concluding that , although he is still little , the giant panda is on his way to reaching the size that " giant panda " suggests .


  9. Panda cub Xiao Liwu had a ball at his most recent checkup . San Diego Zoo panda keepers gave the 20-week-old giant panda a plastic ball to test his coordination and encourage him to have fun with something new .


  10. Xiao Liwu is not yet prepared for his first appearance in public , but eager panda enthusiasts can keep track of the San Diego panda family 's newest member with its panda cam , a live stream that has documented the cub 's first few months of development in the den .
