
美 [ˈlaɪnər]英 [ˈlaɪnə(r)]
  • n.邮轮;内衬;衬里

复数: liners

lin(e) 线;划线于 + -er 某种人

CET6 考研 TEM8




a large ship that carries passengers

an ocean liner


a luxury cruise liner



a piece of material used to cover the inside surface of sth

bin/nappy liners





  • 1
    N-COUNT (尤指度假时乘坐的)邮轮,客轮
    A liner is a large ship in which people travel long distances, especially on holiday. ocean liners.



(baseball) a hit that flies straight out from the batter
the batter hit a liner to the shortstop
Synonym: line drive
a large commercial ship (especially one that carries passengers on a regular schedule)
Synonym: ocean liner
a piece of cloth that is used as the inside surface of a garment
Synonym: lining
a protective covering that protects an inside surface
Synonym: lining


  1. The new cruise liner took more than five years to build .


  2. Modern seaport city and economy of passenger liner


  3. Hundreds of small craft bobbed around the liner as it steamed into the harbour .


  4. It became impractical to make a business trip by ocean liner .


  5. I did once dream of becoming the first woman to captain an ocean liner .


  6. The liner was in dock for major repairs .


  7. The liner flew straight [ directly ] to Nanjing .


  8. The bin liner is a piece of soft cloth .


  9. The liner set sail on schedule .


  10. When the ship sailed , the foaming white wake of the liner was left .


  11. The trans-Atlantic liner forged ahead through the waves .


  12. People on shore greeted the new10,000 liner by waving their arms as it was getting up .


  13. Eventually , she was taken out of service in 1935 , ending the era of the luxurious Olympic class ocean liners .


  14. The production cost of this huge passenger liner is stunningly high .


  15. The resins were used to turn out millions of helmet liners .


  16. Most of you no doubt have seen these tugs pushing and pulling at the big liners .


  17. After I had docked several of the large liners , I realized I was not important , but simply the quarterback who called the signals .


  18. I have spent twenty five years on boats . Now I am a docking pilot . My job is to bring in the large luxury liners and stay with them until they are safely moored1 in their berths3 .


  19. Early in June , Venetians were caught by surprise when a cruise liner sailed into the lagoon city for the first time since the pandemic began , despite an announcement from the Italian government that the ships would be banned from the historic centre .


  20. Theory of liner weight evaluation and cluster analysis with application


  21. Study on the Route Structure Model Decision of Container Liner Transportation


  22. Development of the Study of Landfill Clay Liner According to Temperature Effect


  23. This program offers a new tool to analyze and design liner system .


  24. The Original Dual Method of Liner Programming and Economic Significance


  25. Nonlinear analysis of steel liner reinforced concrete spiral case


  26. Channel Groundwater Control and Liner Plate Stability Analysis


  27. The first application of domestic rotating liner hanger in China


  28. It can produce special shape glass liners according to clients'design .


  29. Measurement System for Hoist Liner Friction Coefficient on Virtual Instrument


  30. Performance and Application of Plastic Combination Liner Bearing



corner n.

corn 角 + -er 某种人

customer n. 顾客

custom 习惯,惯例 + -er 某种人

dancer n. 舞者

dance v.跳舞 + -er 某种人

driver n. 驾驶员

drive 驾驶 + -er 某种人

farmer n. 农民

farm n.农场 + -er 某种人

foreigner n. 外国人

foreign adj.外国的 + -er 某种人

manager n. (企业、店铺等的)经理,经营者,老板

manage v.管理 + -er 某种人

officer n. 官员

offic(e) 办公室 + -er 某种人

order n. 顺序

ord 命令 + -er 某种人

owner n. 物主

own adj.&pron.自己的 + -er 某种人

partner n. 搭档

part 部分,分开 + -n- + -er 某种人

player n. 游戏者

play v.玩 + -er 某种人

poster n. 招贴画

post- 邮政,邮件 + -er 某种人

reporter n. 记者

report v.汇报 + -er 某种人

river n.

riv 流动 + -er 某种人

singer n. 唱歌的人

sing v.唱 + -er 某种人

soldier n. (尤指)士兵

soldi- 完整 + -er 某种人

teacher n. 教师

teach 教导,教书 + -er 某种人

teenager n. 青少年

teenage 青少年的 + -er 某种人

winner n. 赢家

win v.在(比赛 + -n- + -er 某种人

worker n. 工人

work 工作,运转 + -er 某种人

writer n. 作家

writ(e) 写 + -er 某种人

cleaner n. 清洁工

clean adj.清洁的 + -er 某种人

explorer n. 探索者

explor(e) + -er 某种人

fighter n. 战士

fight v.打架 + -er 某种人

former n. 模型

form 形成 + -er 某种人

hunter n. 猎人

hunt v.打猎 + -er 某种人

interpreter n. 口译译员

interpret v.解释 + -er 某种人

keeper n. 保管人

keep v.拥有 + -er 某种人

leader n. 领导

lead v.带领(人)前进 + -er 某种人

manner n. 方式

man- 手 + -n- + -er 某种人

opener n. 开瓶器

open adj.开着的 + -er 某种人

painter n. 油漆匠

paint n.油漆 + -er 某种人

performer n. 表演者

perform v.执行 + -er 某种人

photographer n. 拍照者

photograph n.照片 + -er 某种人

porter n. 搬运工人

port n.港市 + -er 某种人

prayer n. 祈祷(的行为)

pray v.祈祷 + -er 某种人

premier n. 总理

prem- 第一的,主要的 + -er 某种人

receiver n. 接受者

receiv(e) 收到 + -er 某种人

recorder n. 录音机

record n.记录 + -er 某种人

reviewer n. 审核人

review n.审查 + -er 某种人

rooster n. 公鸡

roost n.栖息处 + -er 某种人

runner n. 跑步者

run v.跑 + -n- + -er 某种人

settler n. 移民

settl(e) 定居 + -er 某种人

smoker n. 吸烟者

smok(e) 吸烟 + -er 某种人

traveler n. 旅行者

travel v.旅行 + -er 某种人

user n. 使用者

us(e) 使用 + -er 某种人

viewer n. 观众

view 看 + -er 某种人

villager n. 村民

villag(e) 村庄 + -er 某种人

westerner n. 西方人

west n.西 + -ern ...方向的 + -er 某种人

announcer n. 播音员

announc(e) 宣布;声称 + -er 某种人

barber n. (为男子理发、修面的)理发师

barb- 胡须;胡子 + -er 某种人

beginner n. 新手

begin v.开始 + -n- + -er 某种人

carrier n. 载体

carr(y) 运送 + -i- + -er 某种人

commander n. 指挥官

com- 共同, 一起 + mand 命令, 委托 + -er 某种人

container n. 容器

con- 共同, 一起 + tain 拿住 + -er 某种人

employer n. 雇用者

employ v.雇用 + -er 某种人

lever n. (车辆或机器的)操纵杆,控制杆

lev 举,升 + -er 某种人

listener n. 听者

listen v.听 + -er 某种人

liver n. 肝脏

live v.活着 + -er 某种人

lover n. 情人

lov(e) 爱 + -er 某种人

manufacturer n. 制造商

manufactur(e) 产品;制造 + -er 某种人

messenger n. 送信人

messag(e) 信息 + -er 某种人

miner n. 矿工

mine pron.我的所有 + -er 某种人

murderer n. 杀人犯

murder n.谋杀 + -er 某种人

observer n. 观察者

observ(e) 观察 + -er 某种人

philosopher n. 哲学家

phil 爱,喜欢 + -o- 无实义 + soph 智慧 + -er 某种人

reader n. 读书…的人

read v.读 + -er 某种人

researcher n. 研究员

research n.研究 + -er 某种人

rider n. 骑手

rid- 骑行 + -er 某种人

robber n. 强盗

rob v.抢劫 + -b- + -er 某种人

seller n. 卖者

sell v.卖 + -er 某种人

steamer n. 蒸汽机

steam n.蒸汽 + -er 某种人

stranger n. 陌生人

strang(e) 陌生的 + -er 某种人

tender adj. 柔软的

tend 伸展 + -er 某种人

remainder n. 余数

remain v.保持 + -d- + -er 某种人