line of reasoning

美 [laɪn əv ˈriːznɪŋ]英 [laɪn ɒv ˈriːznɪŋ]
  • 网络线索;推理路线;推理过程;理路
line of reasoningline of reasoning


a course of reasoning aimed at demonstrating a truth or falsehood;the methodical process of logical reasoning
I can't follow your line of reasoning
Synonym: argumentation logical argument argument line


  1. Follow a straight line of reasoning .


  2. According to this line of reasoning the " first cell " was completely heterotrophic .


  3. I don 't follow your line of reasoning .


  4. This line of reasoning is faulty .


  5. She was not really convinced by this line of reasoning .


  6. The line of reasoning will only lead you up another blind alley .


  7. You won 't get far with that line of reasoning .


  8. But I now think there is a line of reasoning that shows that this is wrong .


  9. I didn 't follow his line of reasoning ; it was too difficult for me .


  10. To conclude this rather long line of reasoning , let us first sum up the main points .


  11. This line of reasoning needs more work and more thinking , but it looks very promising .


  12. Walker reanalyzed his data recently to address this line of reasoning .


  13. So I 'll now present the line of reasoning that has convinced me that it is correct .


  14. Well , we have to admit that that line of reasoning hasn 't gotten US vey far .


  15. Follow this line of reasoning , however , and you will soon meet your nemesis : scope creep .


  16. Not following this line of reasoning can lead to the problem of users ' initial impressions being out of sync with reality .


  17. This line of reasoning led Koch to adopt meat infusions and meat extracts as the basic ingredients in his culture media .


  18. In fact , the line of reasoning should simply be how frequently your data changes with respect to how frequently you perform your lookups .


  19. A cursory reading of Luther 's actual letter , however , reveals his complete opposition to Bell 's line of reasoning .


  20. Members of this school ware a group of people who had their own independent cultural character , cultural and ideological system and their own line of reasoning for culture construction .


  21. It was reserved for the school of physiocrats to regard this nature from another point of view in consequence of a sophistical line of reasoning .


  22. It is the shift in theoretical perspectives that demonstrates a brand new line of reasoning held by neo-materialism thoroughly different from both idealism and the former materialism .


  23. His tentative suggestion of a transaction tax , which he argued would bear down on profits and limit socially unacceptable bonuses , is another curious line of reasoning .


  24. But a critic of this line of reasoning can rightly raise the fact that the Ebionites were rejected as heretics by mainstream Christianity .


  25. Is the paragraphing appropriate ? Are the transitions between the paragraphs effective ? Do the paragraphing and the transitions help to clarify the line of reasoning ?


  26. It might be improved by presenting other views better and more objectively , since Kagan always ended a particular line of reasoning by defeating the argument if he didn 't agree with it .


  27. In Mongolia , where the land is so vast and the population so sparse , a revolution would be inconceivable according to Acheson 's line of reasoning , yet it took place some time ago .


  28. Such differences lie in difference of the line of reasoning and thinking . The former is that " one yuan " is only respected , and the latter is that the pluralism is inter-dynamic .


  29. This line of reasoning suggests that we stay out of the Feelings Conversation altogether – that Jack is better off not sharing his feelings of anger and hurt , or Michael his sense of disappointment .


  30. ' It 's really unfortunate . I find their line of reasoning flawed , ' said Mr. Martin in a telephone interview . ' It 's not based on science and there 's no foundation for this . '
