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  • 网络大离子亲石元素;不相容元素
  1. They display MORB-normalized trace element diagrams characterized by partial LILE ( Rb 、 Ba ) positive anomalies , with no significant other elements fractionation , and without significant Nb and Ta anomalies .


  2. Generally speaking , all rocks with high content of alkali of K 2O > 3 % and K 2O / Na 2O > 1 , are enriched in LILE and with high abundance of REE , high ratio of LREE / HREE .


  3. Stratigraphic sequence and hydrocarbon potential in Lile basin


  4. Hydrocarbon-generation system characteristics of Lile basin


  5. Analysis of static geological elements of petroleum-bearing combinations in the Lile basin , northeastern Nansha


  6. Even my lile sister ows can 't fight . That 's why


  7. The intermediate rocks contain variable contents of trace elements , but generally have a similar variation trend such as systematic enrichment of LILE and depletion of HFSE .


  8. Mantle fluids are apparently abundant in CO 2 , sulfides , LILE and REE , and they cause mantle metasomatism and partial melt .


  9. Hypersaline fluid metamorphism has potentialities of low H2O activity , high alkali mobility and efficient LILE and silica transportation and it should be testified by more researches .


  10. The basic dykes are also characterized by relatively LILE and obvious Nb and Ta enrichment , as well as depletion of Sr , K and P in a trace element , similar to that of the OIB basalts .


  11. Odinites associated with gold bearing quartz vein are enriched with large ionic lithophile element ( LILE ), H 2O , CO 2 , Au and alkali metals , which are all the enriched composition by ore forming fluid .


  12. Nb - enriched basalts are characterized by relatively higher TiO2 contents , lower LILE / HFSE and LREE / HFSE , and ( La / Nb ) MN < 2.They are typical productions of island arc environment .


  13. Plenty of H2O and LILE entered the depleted mantle wedge , led to the partial melting . Along the spreading ridges , the magma extruded on the sea floor and formed the new SSZ-type oceanic crust and basin ( 175Ma ) .
