
美 [laɪks]英 [laɪks]
  • n.(尤指被视为和某人或某事物一样好的)种类,类型;爱好;喜好;类似的人(或物)
  • v.喜欢(以某种方式制作或产生的东西);想;要;希望;喜爱;喜欢做
  • like的第三人称单数和复数




  • 1
    PREP 像;像…一样
    If you say that one person or thing is like another, you mean that they share some of the same qualities or features.

    He looks like Father Christmas...


  • 2
    PREP (是)…样的人(或事物)
    If you talk about what something or someone is like, you are talking about their qualities or features.

    What was Bulgaria like?...


  • 3
    PREP 比如;例如
    You can use like to introduce an example of the set of things or people that you have just mentioned.

    The neglect that large cities like New York have received over the past 12 years is tremendous...


  • 4
    PREP 与…情形一样
    You can use like to say that someone or something is in the same situation as another person or thing.

    It also moved those who, like me, are too young to have lived through the war...


  • 5
    PREP (表示行为如同…一样)像孩子一样哭泣/像老鹰一样监视
    If you say that someone is behaving like something or someone else, you mean that they are behaving in a way that is typical of that kind of thing or person. Like is used in this way in many fixed expressions, for example to cry like a baby and to watch someone like a hawk.

    I was shaking all over, trembling like a leaf...


  • 6
    PREP (表示行为符合…的特点)她就是这么个人/这一点也不像他
    You can use like in expressions such as that's just like her and it wasn't like him to indicate that the person's behaviour is or is not typical of their character.

    You should have told us. But it's just like you not to share...


  • 7
    CONJ-SUBORD 好像,似乎(但事实并非如此)(一些人认为此用法不正确)
    Like is sometimes used as a conjunction in order to say that something appears to be the case when it is not. Some people consider this use to be incorrect.

    His arms look like they might snap under the weight of his gloves...


  • 8
    CONJ-SUBORD 如同(一些人认为此用法不正确)
    Like is sometimes used as a conjunction in order to indicate that something happens or is done in the same way as something else. Some people consider this use to be incorrect.

    People are strolling, buying ice cream for their children, just like they do every Sunday...


  • 9
    PREP (用于否定短语中强调以…为最)没有什么能比得上它/没有什么地方能比得上它
    You can use like in negative expressions such as nothing like it and no place like it to emphasize that there is nothing as good as the situation, thing, or person mentioned.

    There's nothing like candlelight for creating a romantic mood...


  • 10
    PREP (强调否定)没有,不到
    You can use like in expressions such as nothing like to make an emphatic negative statement.

    Three hundred million dollars will be nothing like enough...


  • 11
    CONVENTION (表示思考下面的话或用作口头禅)嗯,这个(一些人不喜欢此用法)
    Some people say like when they are thinking about what to say next or because it has become their habit to say it. Some people do not like this use.

    I decided that I'd go and, like, take a picture of him while he was in the shower.


  • 12
    CONVENTION (用于重述自己或他人当时的话或自己当时的想法)说,想(一些人不喜欢此用法)
    Some people say like when they are reporting what they or another person said, or what they thought about something. Some people do not like this use.

    He said 'I'm attracted to you.' I'm like 'You're kidding!'



  • 1
    VERB 喜欢;喜爱
    If you like something or someone, you think they are interesting, enjoyable, or attractive.

    He likes baseball...


  • 2
    VERB (用于征询意见)觉得
    If you ask someone how they like something, you are asking them for their opinion of it and whether they enjoy it or find it pleasant.

    How do you like America?...


  • 3
    VERB (表示赞同)喜欢,希望
    If you like something such as a particular course of action or way of behaving, you approve of it.

    I've been looking at the cookery book. I like the way it is set out...


  • 4
    VERB (表示习惯)愿意,希望
    If you say that you like to do something or that you like something to be done, you mean that you prefer to do it or prefer it to be done as part of your normal life or routine.

    I like to get to airports in good time...


  • 5
    VERB (表示愿意)想要
    If you say that you would like something or would like to do something, you are indicating a wish or desire that you have.

    I'd like a bath...


  • 6
    VERB 想要(说)
    You can say that you would like to say something to indicate that you are about to say it.

    I'd like to apologize...


  • 7
    VERB (礼貌地提议或邀请)想要
    If you ask someone if they would like something or would like to do something, you are making a polite offer or invitation.

    Here's your change. Would you like a bag?...


  • 8
    VERB (礼貌地请求或命令)希望
    If you say to someone that you would like something or you would like them to do something, or ask them if they would like to do it, you are politely telling them what you want or what you want them to do.

    I'd like an explanation...



  • 1
    N-UNCOUNT 同样(或相似)的人(或事物)
    You can use like in expressions such as like attracts like, when you are referring to two or more people or things that have the same or similar characteristics.

    You have to make sure you're comparing like with like...


  • 2
    N-PLURAL 爱好;喜欢的事物
    Someone's likes are the things that they enjoy or find pleasant.

    I thought that I knew everything about Jemma: her likes and dislikes, her political viewpoints.


  • 3
    See also:liking

  • 4
    PHRASE 等等;以及诸如此类
    If you mention particular things or people and then add and the like, you are indicating that there are other similar things or people that can be included in what you are saying.

    Many students are also keeping fit through jogging, aerobics, weight training, and the like.


  • 5
    PHRASE (用于非正式地提出或同意建议)如果你乐意的话
    You say if you like when you are making or agreeing to an offer or suggestion in a casual way.

    You can stay here if you like...


  • 6
    PHRASE 可以说;换句话说
    You say if you like when you are expressing something in a different way, or in a way that you think some people might disagree with or find strange.

    This is more like a downpayment, or a deposit, if you like.


  • 7
    PHRASE 拼命地;猛烈地;极快地
    You can use the expressions like anything ,like crazy, or like mad to emphasize that someone is doing something or something is happening in a very energetic or noticeable way.

    He's working like mad at the moment.


  • 8
    PHRASE 像…这样的人(或东西)
    You can talk about the likes of someone or something to refer to people or things of a particular type.

    Why would somebody like her want to spend an evening with the likes of me?...


  • 9
    PHRASE 很可能;也许
    If you say that something will happen like as not or as like as not, you mean that it will probably happen.

    They'd come and bring their neighbours, like as not.


  • 10
    PHRASE 不管喜不喜欢
    If you say that something will happen or is true like it or not, or whether someone likes it or not, you mean that although the situation may be unpleasant, it has to be faced.

    Like it or not, our families shape our lives and make us what we are...


  • 11
    PHRASE (用于展示过程)像这样/像那样/照这样
    You say like this ,like that, or like so when you are showing someone how something is done.

    It opens and closes, like this.


  • 12
    PHRASE (用于吸引注意力)像这样/像那样
    You use like this or like that when you are drawing attention to something that you are doing or that someone else is doing.

    I'm sorry to intrude on you like this...


  • 13
    PHRASE (数量、名称、描述等)更接近于
    You use the expression more like when mentioning an amount, name, or description that in your opinion is more accurate than one that has already been mentioned.

    It's on company advice — well, orders, more like.


  • 14
    PHRASE 大约;左右;接近
    You use the expression something like with an amount, number, or description to indicate that it is approximately accurate.

    They can get something like £3,000 a year...


  • 15
    CONVENTION 那样好多了;这才像话
    If you say that's more like it, you mean that the thing that you are referring to is more satisfactory than it was on earlier occasions.

    That's more like it, you're getting into the swing of things now.


  • 16
    PHRASE 前所未有(或闻所未闻)的事物
    If you refer to something the like of which or the likes of which has never been seen before, you are emphasizing how important, great, or noticeable the thing is.

    ...technological advances the like of which the world had previously only dreamed of...


  1. The consumer was ultimately to be mentioned as well , especially by the likes of Dorothy Shaver , who could point to the sales figures at Lord & Taylor .


  2. He may chop and change when it comes to women , but when it comes to food and drink , he knows what he likes and sticks to it .


  3. I 'd like one the same as yours .


  4. I could do it now , if you like .


  5. I would very much like to see you again .


  6. You don 't want to do it like that .


  7. I 'd like to learn a new language .


  8. We 'd like to see it for ourselves .


  9. Would you like to put that on your charge ?


  10. He doesn 't like to talk about his private life .


  11. I don 't like the way he 's looking at me .


  12. I 'd like to be in on the plan .


  13. The book wasn 't anything like as good as her first one .


  14. I don 't know how you can say things like that .


  15. What 's her new man like ?


  16. Which one do you like best ?


  17. I 'd like to come on to that question later .


  18. Would you like to come with us ?


  19. Life isn 't like in the movies , you know .


  20. I 'd like the same again .


  21. I 'd like to pay some money into my account .


  22. I 'm sure you 'll grow to like her in time .


  23. I 'd like to think it over .


  24. I 'd like a second opinion before I make a decision .


  25. It 's a free country ; I 'll say what I like !


  26. For years we had little knowledge of what life was like inside China .


  27. There 's another thing I 'd like to ask you .


  28. I didn 't like his taking all the credit .


  29. I didn 't like him taking all the credit .


  30. I 'd like to put a business proposition to you .
