
  1. Control of the execution process is now handled by the libevent system .


  2. This is the core of the libevent system .


  3. For example , you could deploy a libevent based interface to your IBM Cloud management or other solution .


  4. One other element of the libevent toolkit is support for generic timers .


  5. The library implementations in these languages tend to support the core of the libevent system and not always the HTTP wrapper .


  6. The libevent library doesn 't actually replace the fundamentals of the select (), poll () or other mechanisms .


  7. To build the application , compile the C source code adding the libevent library : $ gcc-o basic basic.c-levent .


  8. To actually handle each request , the libevent library provides an event mechanism that acts as a wrapper around the underlying network backend .


  9. Download libevent : An asynchronous event-notification library .


  10. If you don 't get this response , go back through the previous steps and make sure the source for both libevent and memcached was successfully built .


  11. To do this , you can download the source , run the configure script , and make the server ; you need the libevent library for this .


  12. The only prerequisite to installing memcached is libevent , the asynchronous event-notification library that memcached depends upon .


  13. The libevent timer uses the timeval structure , which allows timers to be specified in both seconds and microseconds .


  14. Behind the scenes , libevent is handling the network sockets , identifying which clients need to be serviced , and calling the corresponding functions in each case .


  15. There are two routes : either embed the language into your C-based libevent application or use one of the many HTTP implementations built on top of the scripted language environment .


  16. Memcached is an RAM cache for storing and handling data ( which uses libevent at it 's core , as well as being used with other libevent servers ) .


  17. Before looking at how libevent and libev are able to handle multiple network connections , let 's take a brief look at some of the traditional solutions for handling this type of connectivity .


  18. Fortunately , most scripting languages , such as Perl and PHP , are written natively in C and so can make use of a C library like libevent through their extension modules .


  19. Keep in mind that the libevent server is running in a single thread , and a single client is unlikely to stress the server , since it will also be limited by the method of opening requests .


  20. The libev system is , like libevent , an event loop based system that builds on top of the native implementations of poll (), select (), and so on to provide an event based loop .


  21. Additional components of the libevent library add further functionality , including a buffered event system ( for buffer data to / from clients ) and core implementations for HTTP , DNS and RPC systems .
