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  • 网络函数库
  1. One possibility for this degradation is that the Linux libc libraries are not compiled using the appropriate optimization level .


  2. Linux ships with thousands of commands and applications that all require at least the libc library functions .


  3. Calculating Backscattering From a Conducting Flat Plate Coated With RAM Using MoM in Conjunction With LIBC


  4. The Linux libc library explains how tb_update_count is updated and how its values must be interpreted


  5. Lib & Contains all the necessary libraries like libc , libdl , and so on


  6. Sysconf () is provided as part of libc .


  7. If the libc functions were packaged with all programs , thousands of copies of the same functions would be on the disk .


  8. System call probes , or syscall probes , are probes used to probe functions in the libc library as well as the kenel .


  9. According to this method , I designed a tool for tailor GNU libc shared libraries , which can auto check dependency and auto adapt different environments .


  10. As the graph shows , the implementation presented in this article is the fastest , and it scales similarly to the recompiled libc implementation .


  11. The m17n C library parallels the basic text-processing functions of glibc ( and various other flavors of libc ) .


  12. The standard BSD libc libraries and the glibc library underlying GNU / Linux and GNU / Hurd systems perform this function .


  13. These are library calls , provided by the system libraries such as libc and libsocket , found in / usr / lib .


  14. To use pools in your own programs , you can either use GNU libc 's obstack implementation or Apache 's Apache Portable Runtime .


  15. At the moment , an m17n libc is available , and you can code with an m17n version of Xlib .


  16. To do this , devfsd actually performs a dynamic call to the libc function you specify , in this case symlink () and unlink () .


  17. Most modern C standard libraries , like the libc library running the BSDs and the glibc running GNU / Linux systems , have the POSIX locale mechanism built in .


  18. Tb_libc : The libc implementation of gettimeofday using the TB register , but recompiled in a standalone program ( some Linux implementations use this algorithm ) .


  19. Instead , if you build as a shared image , it uses the available libraries that are used by other applications ( for example , / lib / libc . so . X ) .


  20. On the first call into any of these functions , the pseudo client library populates a table of function pointers that then point to the " real "( libc ) implementations of these functions .


  21. This is because they reside within the C runtime library ( libc . so ), which was not ( in this case ) compiled with-pg and , hence , no profiling is gathered for any functions within this library .
