
The influence of the electromagnetic parameter of material on the transmission of LHMs is studied experimentally .
We investigate the transmission and reflection properties of LHMs with the local asymmetry at X-band frequency range in free space .
In the past ten years there has been ample proof for the existence of LHMs in the microwave frequency range .
Because of their simple structures , LHTLs are most likely to be the most widely used form of LHMs .
On the basis of this research focus , we try to seek good terahertz LHMs . In this thesis , we propose a series of design schemes .
In the paper , FDTD is used to analyze the propagation properties of several T-junction waveguides , with left-handed materials ( LHMs ) .
LHMs exhibit many unique electromagnetic properties , among which the most well-known is negative refraction . So , LHMs are also called as negative-index materials .
In this thesis , the applications of Left-handed Materials ( LHMs ) on the microstrip antennas are studied and the microstrip antennas with LHMs are designed .
Presently , photonic crystals ( PCs ) and left-handed materials ( LHMs ) are hot research interests for they have intensively potential applications in the fields of optics and microwave .
For electromagnetic waves propagating in such materials , the electric field E , magnetic field H and wave vector k form a left-handed triplet of vectors and so such materials are called LHMs .
The discovery of LHMs has been regarded as one of the ten most significant discoveries in science community in 2003 , and has been the front and focus area in physics and electromagnetics research .
Electromagnetic resonance of microwave LHMs in free space ( 1 ) . Electromagnetic resonance of a periodic array SRRs are studied in free space and negative permeability are realized in a certain frequency range .
The polarization phenomenon is also interesting when the electromagnetic wave incidents at the interface of the vacuum and the uniaxially anisotropic LHM or at that of two kinds of uniaxially anisotropic LHMs .
In recent years , several methods have been proposed to realize left-handed materials ( LHMs ), and among them planar composite right / left-handed ( CRLH ) transmission line structures have shown their tremendous potential in microwave circuits and components design .
Because the group velocity and phase velocity of electromagnetic waves are in the opposite directions in LHMs , they have many strange properties , such as negative refraction , reversed Doppler shift , reversed Cherenkov radiation , perfect lens and so on .
However , the angular momentum density of multimode Laguerre – Gauss beam in a lossless LHM is always opposite to the transverse energy flow . Finally , we theoretically study the role of dispersion in propagation of rotating Hermite-Gaussian ( RHG ) beams in left-handed materials ( LHMs ) .