Surgical margins for lentigo maligna and lentigo maligna melanoma : The technique of mapped serial excision
All of the 33 lentigines showed significant effect after 1-8 times treatments .
Objectives : To study the therapeutic effects of Q-switch laser in treatment of freckles and lentigo .
Lentigo treated with liquid nitrogen
Conclusion Intense pulsed light technology can be effective for the treatment of freckles , pigment after acne and senile lentigo .
Improve microcirculation and metabolism ; eliminate peroxidized adipopexis , especially lentigo on the skin .
Removal of spot : freckles , lentigines , point and flakecolored spot , melasma , coffee spot , etc.
With ice on the north part of Shaluli hills of the great Lentigo Mountain , the highest peak is6168 meters above the sealevel .
A comparison of Q-switched alexandrite laser and intense pulsed light for the treatment of freckles and lentigines in Asian persons : A randomized , physician-blinded , split-face comparative trial
In human being , tyrosinase is the key enzyme for melanin biosynthesis , and is associated with melanin hyperpigmentation such as melasma , freckles , ephelide , senile lentigines .
A small , flat , pigmented spot on the skin . Histologic examination of the tan patch reveals features of lentigo simplex , whereas the speckled macules and papules disclose melanocytic nevi .
Results According to the morphological characters of tumor cells , 36 cases of mucosal malignant melanoma were classified into epithelioid cell type including 17 cases , spindle cell type including 8 cases , lentigo cell type including 2 cases and mixed cell type including 9 cases .
Conclusion Q-switched Alexandrite laser is effective in the treatment of nevus of Ota , seborrheic keratosis , tattoo , and naevus fusco-caeruleus zygomaticus , but has limited efficacy for cafe-au-lait-spots , lentigo , naevus of Ito , and spilus naevus .