Jack was leaving his Manchester lectureship to join the branch of the Civil Service now known as the Government Communications Headquarters , and located at Eastcote , in north-west London .
Over the following years she received many lectureships at universities in Germany and abroad .
The lectureship is tenable for a period of three years .
In a short span of three years The lectureship is tenable for a period of three years
He could stay at King 's , and a lectureship ought to come his way .
She was offered a lectureship at Birmingham university .
She has a lectureship in economics at Durham university .
A list of nominations for senior lectureships .
Lectureship in japanese ( vacancy uac . 270 )
Presumably Alan had again applied for a lectureship , but if so he had again been disappointed .
She 's got a lectureship at Oxford . As both a novelist and a university lecturer , she has two strings to her bow .
A lectureship would in effect mean a permanent home at Cambridge , which was the only possible resolution of his problems in life , as well as being due recognition of his achievements .
We will be matched appropriated demonstration and experiment which may be as a main point of lectureship for the course of experiment of fluid mechanics at the speciality of mechanical engineering .
The senate advanced him from a lectureship to a professorship Break a rule to promote sb to associate professor ; give sb . an accelerated promotion to associate professor
Whatever his parents thought , Philip Hall had sent Alan the notice of vacancies for Cambridge lectureships , and this Alan would much have preferred if he could gain one .
Indeed , the Russell tradition had petered out , for Russell himself had left Cambridge in 1916 when first convicted and deprived of his Trinity College lectureship ;
In1500 he had a lectureship or professorship of mathematics in Rome , but in1503 he returned to his native land , where he was a canon of Frauenburg .
Against Alan 's prediction , and perhaps to his mild chagrin , the redoubtable Maurice Pryce had been appointed to a Cambridge lectureship , as had Ray Lyttleton , the current Procter Fellow .
In moving from a Cambridge lectureship to a Manchester University chair , he was following Blackett , then Professor of Physics . Together they constituted a formidable team , and one which did not see why Darwin should monopolise electronic computers .