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  • abbr.轻型数字指令终端;晚期远端皮质小管(Late Distal Cortical Tubule)
  1. The positive results of LDCT screening are 3 times of chest X-ray exam .


  2. A new interference suppression technique based on local discrete cosine transform ( LDCT ) is proposed .


  3. Objective Investigate the value of low-dose CT ( LDCT ) scan in small pulmonary nodules diagnosis .


  4. Whether LDCT has a high false positive rate and over-diagnosis in screening of lung cancer ?


  5. The total heat transfer coefficient is measured by the heat transfer measurement and the convective heat transfer coefficient is obtained by LDCT .


  6. Low-dose CT ( LDCT ) is the most promising tool for the population-based lung cancer screening currently .


  7. The method applying the Limiting Diffusion Current Technique ( LDCT ) and heat transfer measurement together is used to separate the effect of interfacial vaporization heat sink in pool nucleate boiling process .


  8. Methods : 30 patients with pulmonary metastatic tumor were underdone CT examination at both standard-dose CT ( SDCT ) and low-dose CT ( LDCT ) .


  9. Methods Analyze the data and follow up 94 patients who took LDCT scan from 2002 to 2004 , comparing the results of different exam methods of chest film , normal CT and LDCT at the enrollment .


  10. The characteristics of mass and heat transfer of single liquid phase and gas-liquid two-phase flow in a vertical tube were studied with limiting diffusion current technique ( LDCT ) and the theory of heat and mass transfer analogue .


  11. Conclusion LDCT can make accurate diagnosis in common disease of paranasal sinus , while the radiation dose reduced sharply so that it should be considered as an optimal imaging method in patients with suspected common disease of paranasal sinus .
