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Will the Chinese character '8'boost the already high prices of Lafite ?
We may also have drunk the Lafite too early .
The people from Lafite have deliberately gone after the Chinese market .
Making fake Lafite may become a thing of the past by then .
So does antique looking 1982 Lafite served at super expensive restaurants .
This is why some fake Lafite is made of very cheap stuff .
When naive consumers always drink the fake Lafite , they find the real one tastes funny .
and there 's a case of Lafite Rothschild 1982 waiting at the end .
I usually drink Lafite . Since I know nothing about wine , I just drink the most expensive stuff .
Earlier this year , the London merchants Bordeaux Index recorded a 30 per cent fall in Lafite unit sales compared with 2010 .
The dinner is served with a 2010 bottle of Chateau Lafite Rothschild .
Prices for Ch â teau Lafite Rothschild , the market leader , have doubled in the past six months .
And yet even the most dedicated connoisseurs of wine cannot tell the difference between Chteau Lafite and much cheaper wines .
But just as prices were starting to look frothy , particularly for Lafite , April produced some much-needed respite .
Idon 't dine on caviar every day while swilling Chateau Lafite Rothschild .
By creating this « COLLECTION », DBR ( Lafite ) has demonstrated its determination to offer real classic Bordeaux wines for immediate pleasure .
The man from Farr Vintners advised that , from that vintage , only Lafite was certain to last 21 years .
That still leaves the question of why ch teau Lafite has become the star of the auction rooms , rather than some other wine .
Of course , there is something slightly humbling about the fact that the creation of a China price for Lafite has made actually drinking the wine almost unthinkable .
When a Chinese buyer swallowed up weetabix last month there was only one way to seal the deal : Chateau Lafite and shots of Bai Jiu .
The trouble is that the local red wine could be Chilean wine imported in bulk plastered with a local label . And the Lafite could be made of the local juice .
Ch â teau Lafite 's astonishing fame in China is a story about the country 's political economy , not about the enjoyment of wine , says Mr Xie .
But when it comes to enjoying the good life , you down a bottle of fake Lafite and smoke a fake Cuban cigar , hoping neither is poisonous .
In a frontier town a bunch of guys told me that they usually drank 2008 Lafite and it tasted awful ( someone printed too many 2008 Lafite labels ) .
The Rothschild family , also owners of Chateau Lafite , purchased the Duhart Milon estate in1962 and undertook a program of massive expansion and replanting .
The news earlier this month that three bottles of Ch teau Lafite , from the 1869 vintage , had sold at auction in Hong Kong for 437900 gives a new meaning to the " China price " .
The property is now managed by a single team , which supervises Ch â teau Lafite Rothschild and Ch â teau Duhart-Milon together , since the two properties and vineyards are adjacent .
If you were being charitable , I guess you could say that Lafite is a great and ancient name – and that has a value ; in the same way that a real Van Gogh is much more valuable than an identical fake .
In the wine market , meanwhile , bottles of Chteau Lafite and Louis XIII are indispensable accoutrements for display in the gleaming new mansions of China 's super-rich , although such badges of wealth are more likely to be seen as investments .
But Chteau Lafite 2001 currently sells for about 800 a bottle ; whereas you can still get the wines that tasted better in Davos , moss wood Cabernet from Australia and vergelegen from South Africa , for 43 and 14 , respectively .