labor dispute arbitration

美 [ˈleɪbər dɪˈspjuːt ˌɑːrbɪˈtreɪʃn]英 [ˈleɪbə dɪˈspjuːt ˌɑːbɪˈtreɪʃn]
  • 劳动争议仲裁;劳动争议调解;劳动纠纷仲裁
labor dispute arbitrationlabor dispute arbitration
  1. Labor dispute arbitration is an important legal system all over the word .


  2. The first part focuses on the broad description of labor dispute arbitration system .


  3. Secondly , the question is the independence of labor dispute arbitration .


  4. Looking forward to the future as the labor dispute arbitration system reform legislation to provide reference .


  5. He suggested that Li turn to a labor dispute arbitration committee for help .


  6. This paper from the perspective of practice On the labor dispute arbitration system problems , and propose some solutions .


  7. The composition of the labor dispute arbitration commissions shall be an odd number .


  8. The labor dispute arbitration commissions shall not be established level by level according to administrative divisions .


  9. A labor dispute arbitration commission shall dismiss such an arbitrator .


  10. It is the system of labor dispute arbitration that is the main form to cope with labor dispute .


  11. The thesis aims at correctly determining the labor dispute arbitration system and providing legal suggestions on its improvement .


  12. Labor dispute arbitration institutions are playing more and more an important role in labor disputes area as time goes .


  13. The Question on the Principle of the Pre-Placement of the Labor Dispute Arbitration


  14. The labor dispute arbitration system in the United States consists of four mainly procedures : first , the pre-operation .


  15. To strengthen the tripartite mechanism construction , must establish the independence of labor dispute arbitration committee in the organization .


  16. The labor dispute arbitration system is the important constituent of labor dispute processing system , should carry though the tripartite mechanism .


  17. All of a sudden , malicious evasion of the law is increasing , labor dispute arbitration cases has increased significantly .


  18. On Limitation of Labor Dispute Arbitration and Protection of Labor : Annex to Comment on the Article 82 of Labor Law


  19. If no agreement is made , the two parties can appeal to the local personnel or labor dispute arbitration institution for arbitration ;


  20. In practice , there is no legal basis for a party to file the objection to jurisdiction during the labor dispute arbitration .


  21. Our current labor dispute arbitration system has the main issue : First , The question is mandatory the labor dispute arbitration before the trial .


  22. The labor dispute arbitration procedure should not be regarded as the preceding one to arbitrate as the first instance being final .


  23. Making laws and regulations ; Actualities of International Arbitration There are many problems in labor dispute arbitration system so as to affect timely and fair treatment .


  24. Therefore , the author conducts researches on current labor dispute arbitration mechanism to put forward a corresponding reform plan on the perfection of the labor dispute arbitration mechanism .


  25. A labor dispute arbitration commission at the place of performance of a labor contract or at the place of residence of an employer shall have jurisdiction of a labor dispute .


  26. In the labor dispute arbitration and litigation , the burden of proof is a core issue related to the labor dispute of the legitimate rights and interests of the immediate parties .


  27. The thesis begins with the concept of labor dispute arbitration system , makes a comparative study of the system , and puts forward suggestions on improving the system on the basis of analyzing its present situation in China .


  28. Statistics indicated that in 2007 all levels of labor dispute Arbitration committee accepts labor dispute case 447,000 , from 1994 to 2007 13 years , labor dispute case quantity increased nearly 22 times .


  29. To appoint an agent to participate in arbitration activities , a power of attorney signed or sealed by the appointer shall be submitted to the labor dispute arbitration commission .


  30. The content of the thesis is arranged as following . In introduction and chapter one , we analyse the foreign modes of labor dispute arbitration through the contract theory and arbitration system , and evaluate these modes .
