l c

  • 网络开立信用证
l cl c
  1. We did not provide the L / C in time because of some unexpected occasion .


  2. At that time an irrevocable L / C for the total purchase value will be opened .


  3. Upon receiving your L / C , we will promptly complete shipment arrangements of your order .


  4. And the L / C is used to guarantee we can receive all the goods with explicit quality and quantity on time .


  5. As soon as the said license is approved , an L / C will be opened in your favor .


  6. However , we received your L / C only yesterday and it is absolutely impossible for us to ship the goods in May .


  7. We ask that you promptly open an irrevo-cable L / C in our favor , valid until April 2 .


  8. Dear Sir , As stipulated in our contract No.34567 , shipment could be made in May provided your L / C reached us not later than April 15 .


  9. Please send us a CIF proforma invoice for 50 sets of Model 7869 the soonest possible so that we will be able to open the L / C for the order .


  10. Under the circumstances , we regret to have to ask you to extend the above L / C to June 15 , and accordingly , the date of shipment to June 30 .


  11. Complying with your request for opening an irrevocable L / C , we have instructed Industrial and Commercial Bank of China to open a credit for ¥ 100000 in your favor , valid until April 2 .


  12. In compliance with your requirement to open an irrevocable L / C , we have instructed our bank , Bank of China , to open a credit in your favor for ¥ 100000 . The L / C will be valid until April 2 .
