knowledge transaction

美 [ˈnɑːlɪdʒ trænˈzækʃn]英 [ˈnɒlɪdʒ trænˈzækʃn]
  • 网络知识交易
knowledge transactionknowledge transaction
  1. Chapter five : knowledge transaction cost and virtual enterprise development in China .


  2. An asymmetry of information exists between bargaining parties in knowledge transaction .


  3. A typical combination knowledge transaction mode is knowledge sharing in the cooperation process .


  4. A talk about accountant dealing with means of foreign currency trade operation exchange Knowledge Transaction


  5. Knowledge Transaction A Discrimination of Fairness


  6. This paper offers eight characters of knowledge transaction through the comparison analysis between general merchandise transaction and knowledge transaction .


  7. Knowledge transaction cost theory , core competence theory and strategy gap theory provide theoretical foundation and completion necessity of inter-organizational knowledge sharing in knowledge-linked virtual enterprise .


  8. Base on the analysis of economic character and the transformation mechanism , the paper try to put forward a new dimension to distinguish types of knowledge transaction and investigate transaction cost .


  9. On the base of predecessor research achievements , the intension and extension are elaborated on , and then , an analysis framework about knowledge transaction cost and enterprise organization is set up .


  10. On the base of the theoretical framework , the form , the boundary and the structure are explained , and then the analysis of the organization operation and the development of virtual enterprises in China is done on the view of knowledge transaction cost .


  11. So , the style of value production determined by the capability essence , such as knowledge and transaction , is becoming the leading of economic development .


  12. Firstly we discuss how to prune dynamically and propose a tree structure whose node is a 3 tuple . Based on the aforementioned we describe this algorithm that can find knowledge in transaction database .


  13. Then introduce the knowledge of transaction layer , such as : the definition of transaction layer packet ( TLP ), the way to handle the received TLP , transaction order rules and the most important part : flow control base on credit .


  14. Ningbo Yibao said it had no knowledge of the transaction .


  15. The Coordinator tells Database-1 it has no knowledge of this transaction .


  16. At the time , Mr. Low said he represented a group of investors , according to two people with direct knowledge of the transaction .


  17. Funds from Qatar , Singapore and Canada have been part of the conversations , according to one person with knowledge of the transaction .


  18. The globalization of the company is an evolutionary process and the costs of transfer of knowledge other than transaction costs can better interpret the mechanism of this process .


  19. The coordinator , however , never wrote any record to its log and tells Database-1 it has no knowledge of this transaction .


  20. It has spoken to funds from Qatar , Singapore and Canada , according to one person with knowledge of the transaction , although it is not expected to reveal a decision on preferred partners alongside the announcement .


  21. A person with knowledge of the transaction said that no date had been set for the next round of bidding for the Asian assets , which will take place once bankers have sifted through the details of the offers .


  22. In the third part , we indicate the correlative contents of customer assets . customer assets is divided into customer purchasing value , public praise value , customer information value , customer knowledge value and customer transaction value .


  23. And the increasing cost of knowledge transformation was unfavorable to the knowledge transaction .


  24. Knowledge parent , knowledge forms and knowledge transaction cost and so on are the factors affecting learning cost .


  25. Hereby the writer points out that firms build up the " inter-firm level " knowledge division system , or named knowledge transaction governance structure , in the way of building a supply chain alliance , because of the heterogeneity of the knowledge resource among different firms .


  26. By analyzing the environments of knowledge economy and the characteristics of knowledge and transaction cost , the dissertation will research the establishment mechanism and governance mode and of inter-form . Inter-form has many forms such as multinational group , enterprise knowledge alliance and virtual enterprise .


  27. The reputation of knowledge carriers and the improvement of knowledge output coefficient , leading to promote knowledge transaction .


  28. Through empirical analysis , theoretical discussion and case studies , It finds that : ( 1 ) The key models of knowledge transfer in university-enterprise could be divided into two kinds : R & D collaboration model and knowledge transaction model .


  29. This paper reviews the literature about the knowledge transfer in the ERP implementation , points out the integrality in the description of the knowledge content , knowledge transaction , and its characteristics , and gives some modification .
