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  1. Then boot Knoppix and open a root shell .


  2. You can configure Knoppix to connect to a network , just like any other Linux .


  3. Knoppix is the most well-known LiveCD distribution , so looking at it first makes a good baseline .


  4. The Knoppix Security Tools Distribution site , for example , gives a checksum value of de03204ea5777d0e5fd6eb97b43034cb .


  5. Knoppix has its own graphical configuration utility : on the main menu find Knoppix > Network / Internet .


  6. The default keyboard mapping is German , so I always boot with knoppix lang = us .


  7. The boot sequence for Mepis is a bit different than that of Knoppix .


  8. See the Resources section below for more information and links to how-tos for making your own customized Knoppix distribution .


  9. Knoppix also throws in several other window managers , but switching among them seems to break the X11 configuration .


  10. Note : An overly aggressive antivirus app might flag the Knoppix tools as potential malware .


  11. Knoppix incorporates the best of Debian , KDE , and its own system utilities .


  12. This distribution is again a customized version of Knoppix with an emphasis on information security tools , therefore STD ( Security Tools Distribution ) .


  13. You can also install STD onto a hard disk using the normal Knoppix hd-install script , which is included by default .


  14. Knoppix tends to throw in overlapping programs , which might confuse new users : Which of the ten text editors do I want ?


  15. In contrast to some distributions , Knoppix does not offer a prominent option to install itself to a HDD .


  16. I disabled SCSI detection by adding knoppix no scsi to the boot command , and that took care of it .


  17. In large part , specialized LiveCDs , nowadays , are derived from the very successful Knoppix distribution from LinuxTag .


  18. And , of course , you can create user accounts on Knoppix as needed , with useradd and passwd .


  19. The default user is knoppix , but I found that I could su without any password & probably a compromise between security and user-friendliness .


  20. The Knoppix CD also contains a number of sound files , for quick sound testing , starting with " OpenMusic " on the welcome screen .


  21. Copying files over an untrusted network should be done with scp ( secure copy ), and in fact Knoppix won 't let you use anything else .


  22. After booting up the Knoppix CD , it will pause at a command prompt for30 seconds , then continue booting .


  23. It is common for power management to mess up a Knoppix session : when you wake up the machine , Knoppix doesn 't respond to commands anymore .


  24. To use this system in an instructor-led online ( ILO ) class , configure a Knoppix proxy somewhere on the network and have the students connect to it .


  25. Zip drives , floppy disks , and USB storage devices will be automatically recognized by Knoppix , and icons will be placed on the desktop .


  26. Again Knoppix 's excellent hardware detection comes into play ; it even works on wireless NICs ( assuming it 's a wireless NIC that is supported in Linux !) .


  27. Knoppix also automatically mounts all my HDD partitions on the desktop , including the HPFS partitions on my OS / 2 desktop that I used for testing .


  28. Like Knoppix , it shunts boot options off to switches you can type at the boot : prompt in the few seconds before it launches into the default .


  29. This is my favorite method when there are large numbers of files to copy : install a second hard drive , then boot Knoppix , then copy files from the old disk to the new disk .


  30. Knoppix excels at this , as it has the latest editions of Linux 's excellent hardware and system utilities : fdisk , lspci , iwconfig , ifconfig , dmesg , / proc , and so forth .
