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  • 网络角蛋白15
  1. Its validity and applicability is validated by the different displacements of the slope of the project site at K15 + 183 of Yong'an section of Yong-Zhang highway .


  2. Squamous cell carcinoma subtype of HHV-8 infection is mainly K1-C subtypes and K15 P allele , there is part of the Kl-A subtypes .


  3. Results : K15 was expressed in the cytoplasm of rats ' hair follicle bulge cells . Then K15 positive cells were also found in hair matrix and the basal layer of epidermis with ages .


  4. The cells cultured in vitro formed large clones , and their clone forming rate was higher than that of controlled cells . They remained their morphologic features cultured after four passages with K15 expressed in their cytoplasm .
