
  1. Theory Investigate and Clinical Study on Jueyin Headache


  2. The Jueyin disease chapter in the Treatise on Febrile Disease is the most difficult and controversial problem which is called eternal disputed cases .


  3. It is considered that Jueyin disease offers a close analogy with hepatic failure ( HF ) in point of cause , pathogenesis and clinical manifestations .


  4. We could not confuse the Jue of Jueyin in the six channels and the Jue in syncope .


  5. The results showed that the Liver meridian of Foot - Jueyin had more distinct effect on internal carotid artery system especially the middle cerebral artery and the anterior cerebral artery .


  6. Conclusion The experiment point out that nail fold microcirculation on big toe maybe related to brain , and perhaps it is related to the meridian of traditional Chinese medical science & Liver Meridian of Foot - Jueyin .


  7. According to the analysis of clauses in chapter of jueyin diseases 《 Treatise on Febrile Diseases 》, we can get the pathogenesis of jueyin diseases : cold-heat complex , upper body heat and lower body cold ;


  8. Conclusion : Through summing up and analyzing ancient and modern literature , we summarized high-frequency indications of the points of the spleen Channels of Foot - taiyin , The kidney Channels of Foot-Shaoyin and liver Channels of Foot - Jueyin .


  9. Each limb is distributed by Taiyin and Yangming meridians are on the anterior border , Shaoyin and Taiyang meridians are on the posterior border , and Jueyin and Shaoyang meridians are on the midline .
