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  • 网络吉鲁;记实
  1. Although Jilu can not speak , they do not understand each other language , but the two gradually seduces .


  2. Laiwu lies in the middle part of Shandong Province , Laiwu dialect belongs to Jilu Manadarin .


  3. Wuqiao located Jilu traffic throat , county is located in the Beijing-Shanghai Railway and Beijing-Fuzhou highway on the eastern side ;


  4. One day , an Albanian Muslim girl Sha Mina killed for being suspected of fleeing to the neighboring village Orthodox monastery , hiding in Jilu house .


  5. Wu ' an , a county-level city in southwest of Hebei province , is a transitional zone where Jin Dialect , Zhongyuan Mandarin and Jilu Mandarin dialects ( mainly refer to Shandong and Hebei provinces ) are intertwined .


  6. Zhong You , with the alias of Zilu or Jilu , was a man in the State of Lu during the Spring and Autumn Period . He was a favorite disciple of Confucius . He possessed frank and courageous characters , and was very filial .
