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  • abbr.Jewish Immigration Aid Society 犹太移民援助会
  1. The first section analyses the economic life of the Jias referring to Banner system .


  2. The second section analyses the house slave system of the Jias referring to some historical data .


  3. The house slave system of the Jias is same as neither western slave system nor Chinese tradition servants system .


  4. It is said that both the Jias and the Celestial Empire have prospered for a century , and they have developed at the same pace .


  5. It not only outlines the elementary contour of Manchu manor economy in 18th century , but also reveals increasingly grim livelihood question of Eight Banners in the Qianlong period by concrete example of the Jias .


  6. Distribution and rise and fall of the Jias game activities closely linked , and rich game content and source widely makes the novel can bring quite high aesthetic experience to readers . " A dream of Red Mansions " role in the game activities on the book .
