- abbr.参谋长联席会议出版物(Joint Chiefs of Staff Publication)

JCSP defines two interfaces for reading from and writing to channels .
In this third part I 'll simply give you a few more reasons to investigate JCSP .
A barrier is a JCSP event that acts as a synchronization mechanism between multiple processes .
Broadly , JCSP provides three types of guards
Because channels are an important concept in JCSP , let 's make sure you understand how they work before going further .
See the JCSP library download ( in Resources ) for further documentation of these constructs , including usage examples .
I used several working examples to demonstrate the use of essential JCSP constructs such as processes , channels , and guards .
Although JCSP is currently implemented using the standard Java API , it need not be , and in the future it may well not be .
Building applications with JCSP results in clean interfaces and lack of hidden side-effects which makes the resulting product resilient to maintenance and technology changes .
For most of the remainder of the article , I will focus on how CSP concepts are implemented in JCSP .
Because a formal CSP model for Java exists , it is also possible to analyze and formally verify any multithreaded Java application built using JCSP constructs .
Next time you find yourself considering ( and perhaps shying away from ) a multithreaded application design , you may want to turn instead to the JCSP library .
As the next ( and final ) working example will show , non-determinism is an equally powerful concept-at-work in the JCSP library .
I conclude this introduction to JCSP with a simple example that demonstrates the use of JCSP guards to facilitate non-determinism in concurrent applications .
To help you understand exactly how JCSP works , I explain the internal implementation of some of the JCSP library classes in terms of these Java constructs .
Note that JCSP implements process priorities in terms of the underlying thread 's priority mechanism ; so how the priorities actually work out depends on the underlying JVM implementation .
In the specific context of JCSP , an abstract class called Guard is provided , which must be subclassed by event objects that are competing for selection by a process .
I start with an overview of the theory of CSP and then introduce you to the Java-based JCSP library implementation , which has CSP engineered into it .
A plug-and-play JCSP process called FibonacciInt that is available out-of-the-box with the JCSP library will be used to generate the sequence of Fibonacci numbers for the third column .
If you 've been reading along with this series from the beginning , you should agree by now that CSP is a programming paradigm worth investigating and the JCSP library a worthy addition to your toolkit .
Note that the examples in the following sections are based on and / or derived from those documented in the javadocs for the JCSP library and / or the presentation slides available on the JCSP home page .