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  1. Javax . xml : This is the root package .


  2. The class implements an interface named javax . servlet . Filter , which is part of the servlet specification .


  3. Each implementation is identified by its ID ( javax . xml . namespace . QName ) .


  4. If you get a javax . naming . CommunicationException , verify the host name and port of the LDAP server .


  5. The JBI specification has a standard interface named javax . jbi . component . Component , which all BCs should implement .


  6. If a method returns an instance of javax . xml . soap . SOAPElement , it means that the response message is not mapped , respectively .


  7. You can enable logging of the SSL handshake by adding the following property to your application server 's JVM custom properties : javax . net . debug = true .


  8. For every XUIComponent created in memory , a GUI peer , such as a javax . swing . JFrame , must be created .


  9. We offer two for SOAP : the default is based on SAAJ ( javax . xml . soap , part of J2EE1.4 ), which uses DOM underneath .


  10. You can think of a listener port as an application that uses the MDB ( the object which implements javax . jms . MessageListener ) for asynchronous message delivery .


  11. In this example , you can generate two different SEI 's , one for the server side using javax . xml . soap . SOAPElement , and one for the client side using Java type mapping .


  12. OMElement provides access to the element data in the form of a StAX javax . xml . stream . XMLStreamReader , which most current data binding frameworks can use directly as input .


  13. JAXP introduced a system property , javax . xml . parsers . SAXParserFactory , which allowed you to specify the parser factory implementation that provided the parser you wanted to use .


  14. Those that it does not cover are mapped to javax . xml . soap . SOAPElement . ( The JAX-WS data mapping model is JAXB , which promises mappings for all XML schemas . )


  15. If you import a package that starts with java , javax , org , edu , com , or net , you don 't have to use the Packages prefix in importPackage () .
