isotopic fractionation
- n.同位素分馏

Hydrogen and oxygen isotopic fractionation of gas hydrate formation : Experimental study
Effects of element sulfur on carbon isotopic fractionation of methane
A two stage model of carbon isotopic fractionation in coal gas
Theoretical calculation of hydrogen isotopic fractionation for silane
Experimental study on argon isotopic fractionation
Nitrogen Isotopic Fractionation of Crude Oil during Biodegradation
Oxygen isotopic fractionation in mica minerals has been determined by theoretical calculation using the modified increment method .
The Preliminary Investigation on Chlorine Isotopic Fractionation During the Crystallization of Saline Minerals in Salt Lake
Boron isotopic fractionation mostly results from the pH and water / rock ratio change in the fluid-rock interaction system .
Abiotic Transformation of Hexachlorocyclohexanes in FeS System and Stable Carbon Isotopic Fractionation During the Transformation
Boron Isotopic Fractionation During the Evaporation of Seawater
A Preliminary Study of the Boron Concentration in Vapor and the Isotopic Fractionation of Boron During Evaporation of Seawater
Isotopic fractionation of sulfur in gypsum crystals
But in hydrous pyrolysis , the hydrogen isotopic fractionation is smaller because the lower maturation at the same temperature .
Sulfur isotopic fractionation between coexisting sphalerite and galena deposited from pb-zn-reduced sulfur hydrothermal fluid
The relative large lithium isotopic fractionation in natural samples has useful application in the fields of geochemistry , cosmo-chemistry and nuclear chemistry .
Since there is a liner correlation between isotopic fractionation factors of Re and Ir , Ir can be used to correct Re isotope fractionation .
Purposes of this study are to illustrate the changes in ionic concentrations and characteristics of hydrogen and oxygen isotopic fractionation during gas hydrates formation through experimental simulation .
The effects of element sulfur on carbon isotopic fractionation of methane have been systematically studied by the simulation experiments of thermal transformated methane from organic matter .
The isotopic fractionation under microbial actions belongs to the kinetic isotopic fractionation , which results in the enrichment of heavier isotopes in .
Studies of hydrogen isotopic fractionation and oxidation of fe ~ ( + 2 ) during dehydroxylation of micas and amphiboles
The results indicate that the isotopic fractionation degree in summer is larger than that in winter , suggesting that the snow / ice melting is more intense in summer .
The good dependence of isotopic fractionation between quartz and mica on temperature is significant over a wide temperature range of geological interest , thus it may be a sensitive isotope geothermometer .
According to the model of stable carbon isotopic fractionation in submerged plant , the concentration of dissolved inorganic carbon ( DIC ) is an important environmental factor influencing the δ 13C of submerged plants .
In the following primary migration simulation deuterated normal C_ ( 15 )( n-C_ ( 15 ) D_ ( 32 )) was added into different source rocks to study the isotopic fractionation in primary migration .
This paper briefly introduces and reviews the progresses in analytical technique , geological study and application . It is found that paucity of understanding of copper isotopic fractionation strictly blocks the study of copper isotope studies and applications .
And now , the temperature of mantle derived magma intrusion should be higher than 514 ℃ according to the carbon isotopic fractionation between the mantle derived CO 2 and CH 4 escaped from the deep reservoir .
The apparent isotopic fractionation factor between brine and lake sediments is 1.009 ± 0.002 . The δ 6Li value of source water ranges from + 6.1 ‰ to-28.60 ‰, depending on their origin .
湖水与沉积物间的同位素分馏因素α=1.009±0.002,来源水的δ ̄6Li值变化范围为+6.1‰--28.6‰,由它们的来源所决定。
When we apply the soil organic carbon isotope to the study of paleovegetation and paleoclimate , we should consider the influence of the carbon isotopic fractionation during the transformation of plants into SOM in different climates and environments .
During relative stable climate , soil CO_ ( 2 ) is isotopically equilibrated with soil carbonate . This means that carbon isotopic fractionation between them can be used as a geothermometer to estimate palaeotemperature .