
  • abbr.惯性制导积分陀螺仪;惯性速率积分陀螺仪(Inertial Rate Integrating Gyroscope);惯性基准积分陀螺仪(Inertial Reference Integrating Gyroscope)
  1. IRIG - B ( DC ) Clock Code Generator in GPS Timing


  2. This paper describes the digital demodulating technique for IRIG B code ( AC code ) .


  3. Digital Demodulating Techniques for IRIG B Code


  4. This thesis presents a kind of frequency modulation signal generator that meets the FM-FM IRIG standard .


  5. The time code standards for synchronization issued by IRIG are introduced , in which the IRIG-B code is the most popular .


  6. Because the demultiplex filters that meet the IRIG specifications are usually narrowband filters , so it requires a higher order and there is a big difficulty to implement .


  7. This paper discusses client of time system on test and control system , and discusses about digital demodulation technology on IRIG time code and alternating code , and some methods are discussed to improve the ability of IRIG-B demodulator .


  8. The IRIG - B decoding device can receive IRIG-B code synchronous clock signals and Pulse Per Second ( PPS ) . The CPLD hardware data acquisition controller ensures the sample time accuracy in the system .


  9. This system can be used in the international and general time format code IRIG - B code ( called B code for short ) demodulation , and can be used as benchmark of the other systems with time and sampling , synchronous signal .


  10. The IRIG B code generator , a time synchronization device , is integrated with CPLD technique . The experiments show that the IRIG B code generator with CPLD is more concise , simpler and more convenient for debugging than the original hardware electric circuit .
