
  • n.不可侵犯性;神圣,不可亵渎,不可侵犯
  1. Ensure the inviolability of the citizens ' legitimate rights and interests


  2. Foreign Investor 's Right Protection Guarantee and Measures Law ensures the inviolability of property rights of foreign investors .


  3. It does great harm to the chastity and inviolability of the line of duty .


  4. European security depends on territorial inviolability .


  5. In recent years , the property rights are viewed differently , and the absolute inviolability is challenged .


  6. On Inviolability of National Property


  7. Agreement concerning the Sovereignty , Independence , Territorial Integrity and Inviolability , Neutrality and National Unity of Cambodia


  8. As a kind of goodness , it reflects the existing rights , value , and inviolability of human beings and non-human beings .


  9. The inviolability of sovereignty allows no country special privilege to interfere in the international affairs of other countries or impose its will upon others .


  10. The essence of civil law idea is justice , and its core incarnate inviolability of private right , equality of personality and autonomy of will .


  11. The noumenon of the right reflects the interest , and the claim right is occurred due to the inviolability of the noumenon of the right .


  12. In the aspects of obtaining water right , there are river-bank power principle , the first taking-up principle , and inviolability of title principle primarily .


  13. Declaration on the inviolability of frontiers ;


  14. They keep on seeking for the women the road to independence and dignity through female prose writing with the spirit of pioneering inviolability and bravery .


  15. Modern rule of law requires a country should have the supremacy of the law , which requires a court decision also has its inviolability and dignity of blasphemy .


  16. Jus in personam is a relative right , but the right itself bears inviolability and can be regarded as the object of tort .


  17. Quantum cryptography provides a new method for absolutely secure communication , which is guaranteed by the inviolability of a Law of Nature , and any advanced technologies cannot decipher it .


  18. At this stage residence right has been partly formed , which is the negative sense of residence right , as the right of inviolability of home , home ownership and living free .


  19. Because Lafayette deemed that he appeared to the identity of national unity just serviced for the safeguarding of the inviolability of the natural rights of human .


  20. Justice principles include three requirements : the impartiality of access to intellectual property rights ; the equality to the owners of intellectual property rights ; the inviolability of legitimate intellectual property rights .


  21. At the time of improving detection efficiency , monitor also brings some harm . It is easy to encroach the right of correspondence freedom and the right of inviolability of the house and other basic rights .


  22. Governed by a 52-year-old international treaty , the inviolability of embassies ※ is one of the central bases upon which diplomatic relations is conducted ,§ according to Mr. Rothwell .


  23. The retrial procedure is specially established to correct mistakes in valid judgments , protect litigants ' legitimate right and maintain the inviolability of the laws as well as the authority of courts .


  24. Representatives of a power which estranges them from society , they have to be given prestige by means of special decrees , which invest them with a peculiar sanctity and inviolability .


  25. The Constitution expressly provides that the inviolability of private property in land expropriation and violation of private property by those who sign must therefore be restored due to land acquisition and suffered the loss of the necessary compensation .


  26. Modern-day civil law , the product of Civil Society , is based on the fundamental ideas of equality of personality , inviolability of private right and principle of autonomy of will and embodies the spirits of humanism and rationalism .


  27. As equality and freedom of social main body , everybody has the existence of incommensurable values . Every person not only has the right of inviolability of the civil rights , but also bear the responsibilities to others and society bear .


  28. From the inviolability right of home to free access to home , from the right of home ownership to the right of getting the house , residence right finally formed a unified and independent basic right in the long period of protecting to human being .


  29. Combining the natural law thought , corresponding to the benefit of law in current society , China 's civil code should be based on private right , should choose and pursue order and benefit , party autonomy , inviolability of private right , and equal value .


  30. For example , in the area of private law , there are three basicprinciples : 1 . the inviolability of ownership , 2 . mandatory force of contract ; 3.compensation for all the damage caused by wrongful acts must be the principle .
