interlobular artery
- 小叶间动脉

The increase of RI of arcuate artery and interlobular artery is of great value in determining the severity of renal insufficiency .
Portal area is not typical , but still can find out the interlobular artery , interlobular vein and interlobular bile duct in portal area .
CDE technique is helpful in measuring the RI of interlobular artery and the thickness of renal cortex , which are important parameters in evaluating renal function .
Results : The earliest abnormal of renal blood flow occured in diabetes mellitus included that the peak-systole velocity ( Vs ) of interlobular artery and the end-diastolic velocity ( Vd ) of arched and interlobular artery were decreased .
The character of renal blood flow in diabetes mellitus with early renal damage included that the Vs of arched and interlobular artery and the Vd of all intrarenal arteries were decreased and the resistance index ( RI ) of all intrarenal arteries was increased .
Three concomitant channels are obviously seen in the portal areas and gate areas , they are interlobular vein , interlobular artery and interlobular bile duct . However , it is difficult to distinguish the lymphatic vessels and tissue interstice .