
  • n.指导性;启发性,指导性
  1. Teachers should pay attention to the visualization , moderation and timing in applying visual demonstration tools , and the visual demonstration teaching should be based on observation and practice as well as have instructiveness .


  2. Principles of making an example include pertinency , type , instructiveness , science , morality , terseness , interesting , lifelikeness and verisimilitude . These may help to achieve satisfactory teaching effect and improve teaching quality .


  3. Multimedia Courseware : A Study of its Nature of Instructiveness


  4. All the analysis and designing of multimedia courseware making should be based on its instructiveness .


  5. Meanwhile , it could give optimized operation scheme and supply the theoretic analyzing data with instructiveness in advance .


  6. The solving process is of important instructiveness to new aircraft design or stiffness equivalent design in replacing metals with composites .


  7. Researching the practice and decision in grain circulation management of Jinan has representativeness and instructiveness .


  8. It has been proved by practice that this reformation plan has instructiveness , maneuverability and popularization value in teaching .


  9. Creativity in Theory and Instructiveness in Practice & A Comment on An Introduction to Fuzzy Rhetoric by Li Qianju ;


  10. Experimental results show that the engineering design of the soft measurement be provided with better practicability and instructiveness in the application of industry production , but further study is still needed .


  11. The proposed designing plan and technology of chain information management system in this essay is a certain of instructiveness , which adopt to medium and small enterprises ' characteristics and need .


  12. Openness , Equality , Gratuitousness , Pluralization , Individualization , Instructiveness & Impressions of Shenzhen Library and Hong Kong Public Libraries


  13. Through an analysis of the present state of the students , this paper makes an exploration on how to play the instructive role of the campus newspaper by improving its attractiveness and instructiveness .


  14. Also , Wai-lim Yip 's translation theory is a systematical one with exposal of the nature of translation at the level of culture , as well as a great deal of practical instructiveness .


  15. The relationships of signal-to-noise ratio of sampled signal , analog filter before analog-to-digital converter and sampling rate have been discussed , the results of the discussion have instructiveness for the design of digital receivers .


  16. As the universality , regional feature and particularity are concerned , the paper constructs the policy framework of dwelling market development , having strong pertinence and instructiveness for local government to make policy and to develop real estate as well .
