inferior olivary nucleus

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inferior olivary nucleusinferior olivary nucleus
  1. HRP-labelled neurons were also found in the inferior olivary nucleus and vestibular nucleus .


  2. Ultrastructures of inferior olivary nucleus of the monkey


  3. The inferior olivary nucleus of New Jianghan chicken is also well developed ;


  4. The topographic organization of the projections from the inferior olivary nucleus to the cerebellar nuclei was discussed .


  5. Results Abnormal signal in inferior olivary nucleus appeared as early as one month after the brainstem was diseased , which became most apparent in 8 months .


  6. The distribution of spinal afferents in the inferior olivary nucleus , the lateral reticular nucleus , the pontobulbar body and the pontine nucleus was discussed .


  7. Also some changes were found in vestibulum , inferior olivary nucleus , vagus nerve nucleus , superior colliculus , basal ganglion , pons , Cerebellumand motor area of cortex .


  8. TGF - β _1 immunoreactivity can be seen in the cytoplasm and processes of medulla oblongata lateral reticular nuclear , cerebellar dentate nucleus and inferior olivary nucleus neuron .


  9. In the medulla oblongata , OB-Rb mRNA were observed in the inferior olivary nucleus , the nucleus of the solitary tract , dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve and the hypoglossal nucleus .


  10. The results are as follows : ( 1 ) immunoreactive neurons of NPY in medulla oblongata of Taihe silky fowl , New jianghan domestic chicken are mainly localized in the inferior olivary nucleus . Low levels of that are also observed within the lateral reticular nucleus and raphes nucleus ;


  11. The forming time was incompletely consistency with the developing time of neurons in the medulla oblongata . Some structure occur early and the neurons emerge lately such as the inferior olivary complex , spinal nucleus of trigeminal never and nucleus of solitary tract .
