
  • n.不存在;非存在性
  1. Method of Path Selection on Some Inexistence of Weight Limit


  2. The Inexistence of Integral Point Polygon s in N dimensional Space


  3. Who says the inexistence of a virtual city ?


  4. The inexistence of the purely gravitational longitudinal waves under D H condition


  5. Prove about the strong solution inexistence in Tanaka equation


  6. Second , the objective of social development depends on the law of the existence of the moment objective while inexistence of the supreme objective .


  7. They queried everything inexistence boldly by deep and repentant cultural original-sin consciousness .


  8. Due to the inexistence of hot surfaces , the reaction volume is very small and a () eep temperature gradient can be maintained ;


  9. However , as a result of limiting of cost or material etc , updating of equipment of network inexistence can 't follow demands of users to use network .


  10. Again , use Dulac function to prove the inexistence of limit cycle of the system , and use Visio software to draw the global structure of the system .


  11. These damaging frosts wouldn 't happen if the wetlands were still inexistence , just as the tiny temperature difference can have major consequences .


  12. There are three aspects of perfections in the studies of earthquake precursory mechanism : ( 1 ) positive and negative proofs of existence and inexistence ;


  13. The settlement of conflict of rights should be the demarcation of rights , and this will conduce to the inexistence conflict of rights .


  14. The Inexistence of 59-digit Regression Number


  15. In case of filter length 5 , both the existence of unique symmetric biorthonormal MRA and the inexistence of antisymmetric ones are proved .


  16. The defect can be divided into the content defect and procedure defect . According to different degrees of defects , effectiveness can be divided into inefficacy , reversibility or inexistence .


  17. Results show that there can be four situations for meshing boundary line on the tooth surface of wheel , namely , inexistence of boundary line , a unique line , two lines and two coincident lines .


  18. Because of the lack of relevant codes , in the steel and concrete composite curved girder bridge design , normally there have been such difficulties as the shortage or the complete inexistence of design guidelines .


  19. We already know the inexistence of love , but we still cling to his or her hands tightly and see some drops of friendly care as a great hope to redeem the lost love .


  20. Because the inexistence of the perfect reflecting mirror , the photons finally leak out from cavity after the photons being reflected by cavity , which will cause the decoherence of the cavity system .


  21. After taking sample , we know throngh analysis the existence and inexistence of TN'product in anterior aqueous humour and urina of rabbits , and determine the conditions of absorbing TNT powder in the ocular tissue .


  22. Where performance forenotice is revised on the basis of the findings of pre-audit by certified public accountant , the statement of the existence or inexistence of divergences between the company and the certified public accountant and divergences shall be explained .
