inelastic collision

美 [ˌɪnəˈlæstɪk kəˈlɪʒn]英 [ˌɪnɪˈlæstɪk kəˈlɪʒn]
  • 非弹性碰撞
inelastic collisioninelastic collision
  1. Here , it has been given by using an inelastic collision model of electron with photon for the first time .


  2. On the completely inelastic collision and the coefficient of restitution


  3. A Discussion of Problem on Typical Inelastic Collision Problem


  4. We lose kinetic energy when there is a completely inelastic collision .


  5. A New Trial Interpretation of Scaling Violation in e-p Inclusive Deep Inelastic Collision


  6. A measurement method of impact energy is proposed for the situations of perfect elastic collision and completely inelastic collision .


  7. Calculation of Cross-Section and Distribution of Number of Wounded Nucleons in High Energy Hadron-Nucleus Inelastic Collision


  8. The contribution of the nucleon exchange to the transfer of in deep angular momentum and energy inelastic collision


  9. Angular Distribution of Products in Deep Inelastic Collision of ~ ( 19 ) F + ~ ( 27 ) Al


  10. So now we are back in26.100 , and we 're going to make a completely inelastic collision .


  11. If I have a completely inelastic collision , then all energy in the center-of-mass frame is lost .


  12. In the case of a completely inelastic collision , there is no kinetic energy left in the center-of-mass frame .


  13. The electron density , the electron - neutral inelastic collision rates , the electron energy and the electron flux distribution are calculated .


  14. Raman spectrum belongs to molecular spectrum which is produced by inelastic collision when the light shines on moleculars .


  15. Only both perfectly elastic and inelastic collision are dealt with in most of physic textbooks .


  16. If they don 't stick , of course , then it 's * it 's not a completely inelastic collision .


  17. A research for the deep inelastic collision induced by 93 MeV ~ ( 14 ) n on ~ ( nat ) ca


  18. So I will first calculate in your frame of reference , - where you are sitting how much energy is lost when we have a completely inelastic collision .


  19. With the empirical formula of calculating erosion in the inelastic collision model , the associated collision pattern of particles with different Stokes numbers was examined in detail .


  20. Antiproton - nucleus inelastic collision


  21. And so now I will do the timing in exactly the same way that I did before , except that now I have a completely inelastic collision .


  22. The inelastic collision numbers are determined in accordance with the relaxation times obtained experimentally , a satisfactory simulation for the dissociation coupled with rotational and vibrational excitation is realized .


  23. The change of the photon frequency of the multi-photon nonlinear Compton scattering in the laser-plasma is derived by using the inelastic collision model of relativity electron and photon .


  24. The removal pathways are : fist , high-energy electrons undergo an inelastic collision with target molecule , and transfers all or part of its kinetic energy to molecule .


  25. Momentum is conserved , so I can m1 * v1 + write down that m1 times v1 plus m2-it is a completely inelastic collision & v times v prime .


  26. The energy conversion efficiency of the multi-photon nonlinear Compton scattering in the cone-shaped femto-second high power laser-plasma is given by using the inelastic collision model of relativistic electron and photon , and relativistic electricity theory .


  27. With the decrease of nanocrystal , the probability of inelastic collision among carriers and nanocrystal surface increases , which results in the intension of carrier-photon coupling enhances and the time of carrier-photon scattering shortens .


  28. And then there is a case of which we have seen several examples last time of inelastic collisions , when you lose kinetic energy , so this is an inelastic collision .
