individual variable

美 [ˌɪndɪˈvɪdʒuəl ˈveriəbl]英 [ˌɪndɪˈvɪdʒuəl ˈveəriəbl]
  • 网络个体变量;个体变元;个体变项
individual variableindividual variable
  1. Study on the relationship between individual variable and safety cognition of miner


  2. Through the binary granular computing , the relationship between individual variable and the objective function can be obtained fast , and then the characteristic of the individual variable and the granular fitness landscape can be calculated to judge the type of the unsolved problem .


  3. An Individual Variable Step LMS Adaptive Algorithm


  4. On the basis of regression analysis , the author made overall trend prediction and individual variable trend prediction respectively .


  5. The test data shows that the individual variable pitch control strategy of large-scale wind turbine is feasible and effective .


  6. Chapter IV contains the empirical analysis , including descriptive statistics , correlation analysis , regression analysis , regression test of each individual variable , and the overall strain clustering , regression analysis and inspection .


  7. At the same time , the solution space is sorted out to improve the efficiency of problem solving so that the given objective function will be partially monotonic with respect to an individual variable .


  8. 3 ) Surgical margin , metastasis , histological grade , clinical stage , Ki-67 LI , expression of E-cad and MMP-2 were the prognostic factors by individual variable analysis ( P < 0.05 ) .


  9. Field cognition mode , as an important individual difference variable , influences cognitive activities .


  10. Study on the role of language learning motivation , which is an important individual difference variable , should be one of the main research topics .


  11. Individual infinite variable speed drive of each roll with AC-motors coupled to programmable frequency inverters .


  12. This article focuses on the effect of a very basic social ability , empathy , which was treated as an individual difference variable here , on the promise breaking behaviors .


  13. In the research design , take the scene variable and individual attribute variable as the independent variable , the staff degree of satisfaction is a dependent variable , proposed the research supposition .


  14. And individual attribute variable including sex , marital status , school record , shop age and so on ; Scene variable including work support , enterprise own , work repayment , work itself , corporate management as well as interpersonal relationship and so on six factors .


  15. The geometrical parameters of individual leaves of variable rate leaf spring affect not only the rate and the stress distribution of the spring but also the variable rate range .


  16. Individual instance have Instance Variable and Methods that associated with them .


  17. In the study of individual development , the variable has been the major concepts and analysis unit .


  18. Some of these stocks are much more variable than others , but you can see that once again the individual stocks are more variable than the market indexes .
