indirect taxes

美 [ˌɪndəˈrekt ˈtæksɪz]英 [ˌɪndəˈrekt ˈtæksɪz]
  • n.间接税
  • indirect tax的复数
indirect taxesindirect taxes

indirect taxes


  • 1
    N-COUNT 间接税
    An indirect tax is a tax on goods and services which is added to their price.

  1. Value-added taxes , sales taxes , and import duties are indirect taxes .


  2. Basically , any system can be divided into direct and indirect taxes .


  3. It is close to the bottom on its use of indirect taxes .


  4. Indirect taxes often impose an unfair burden on the poor .


  5. Tariff Reduction and Coordinated Reform of Domestic Indirect Taxes


  6. The government will levy indirect taxes on computer soft wares , too .


  7. Indirect taxes are imposed in the form of customs duty , excise and sales tax .


  8. Using data from the city household survey of Guangdong Province , we studied the incidences of three major indirect taxes in different income groups .


  9. Gross domestic product at factor cost : The gross domestic product at market prices minus the difference Between indirect taxes and subsidies .


  10. For the avoidance of doubt , EU business Subscribers are required to remit any applicable EU indirect taxes .


  11. But why not temporarily reduce indirect taxes , such as value added tax , to offset any adverse effect on inflationary expectations ?


  12. If measure of this sort proved inadequate , then , as a last resort , an increase in indirect taxes could perhaps be considered .


  13. And the effect on increasing the fiscal revenue was not very desirable . The main part of the government revenue still depended on indirect taxes .


  14. Secondly , by using MT index , tax-shifting model and Kuznets ratio , investigate the income distribution effects of personal income tax and indirect taxes .


  15. The indirect taxes show obvious regressive nature , and are mostly born by low-income class , and in face further deteriorate the unequal distribution of income .


  16. On the other hand , imports that allowed for border tax adjustment can only be indirect taxes , but here only contains the physical inputs , not chemical inputs .


  17. Headline inflation is currently being boosted by recent increases in indirect taxes , food and petrol prices , and surveyed expectations of future inflation have edged up .


  18. " without any deduction other than such expenses and charges as sales discounts , rebates , returns , commissions , indirect taxes , insurance premiums , freights , packing expenses , transportation charges "


  19. In different sources of funding , the government revenue funding nearly geometric , did not reflect significant role in the financing of equity and redistribution , in which direct taxes financing had a higher degree of progressivity , but indirect taxes was slightly regressive .


  20. Researching new sources of revenue , such as different forms of indirect taxation like sales taxes , so called " sin " taxes on tobacco and alcohol , and taxes on currency transactions ;
