indirect damage

美 [ˌɪndəˈrekt ˈdæmɪdʒ]英 [ˌɪndəˈrekt ˈdæmɪdʒ]
  • n.间接损害
indirect damageindirect damage
  1. The indirect damage analysis by mining


  2. Someone suffering from the regulated papers , spirit damage or indirect damage should have right to get compensation .


  3. DNA damage can be separated into two types , i.e. , the direct damage and the indirect damage .


  4. Electrical fire disaster has a direct bearing on production of industry and agriculture and brings about direct and indirect damage .


  5. In essence , this sort of damage is deemed to be direct damage not to be indirect damage .


  6. Experimental study of resisting multi-hitting capacity on FRP confined concrete on condition of indirect damage by weapons


  7. Damages of tortuous liability include indirect damage and non-property damage . Part ⅲ discusses the risk-preventing system of lawyering .


  8. Another is indirect damage that results from a breakdown in trust in a financial arrangements , due to crises , pervasive duping , or both .


  9. Hepatitis B is a immunity related disease . There is no direct damage to liver cells after HBV infection , its a indirect damage through inducing immunological reactions .


  10. Test of electromagnetic compatibility of these devices can prevent the direct or indirect damage to bodies resulting from electromagnetic interference , and it also plays an important role in safety of medical devices .


  11. The damage scope of the administration compensation in our country should include not only the direct damage , but also the indirect damage ; not only the material damage , but also the spiritual damage .


  12. In chapter 5 , the study for DNA damages induced by radiations based on the traditional direct and indirect damage mechanisms is extended to that induced by dissociative electron attachment of sub-ionization electrons .


  13. The liver is the majority of medicines transformation metabolism place , when liver metabolism , some medicines itself and its metabolite may have direct or the indirect toxic damage to the liver cell .


  14. In this element , the direct property damage should be fully compensated , while for the indirect property damage , pure economic loss and psychiatric injury , the principle of reasonable compensation should be adopted .


  15. In no event shall the seller be liable for indirect or consequential damage .


  16. One of the main reasons which increase in indirect losses is damage of equipments in power system which retard the rescue works .


  17. The measurement of indirect cost of disaster damage


  18. The indirect index method of damage detection was detailedly studied by model test and numerical simulation .


  19. Investigation of direct and indirect interaction of DNA damage induced by high LET ~ 7 Li ions


  20. Four contents are expounded as follows . ( 1 ) The indirect index method of damage detection was detailedly studied by model test and numerical simulation .


  21. The fourth part proposes combining compensatory and punitive reliefs together , increasing the compensation standard in personal injury and enlarge the scope of rendering compensation to mental injury , not only compensate direct losses but also compensate indirect losses in property damage .


  22. There are three types of indirect cost of disaster damage described in this paper , namely indirect cost of shutting down or slowing production due to the linkage of industrial sectors , the cost of pulling up of intermediate products and the cost of investment premium .
