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  • abbr.安装和检查;仪表与通信军官;情报军士
  1. INCO Terms guiding the trade flow will also ruling as the Bible to forwarding industry .


  2. Making the First Brand of National Automobile Parts Industry & A brief introduction to ZhuZhou Torch Spark Plug Inco


  3. In2007 it spent $ 19.4 billion on Inco , a Canadian nickel producer .


  4. Vale INCO Limited is one of the world premier mining and metals companies and the world 's second largest producer of nickel .


  5. Even so , Inco , founded almost a century ago , had a reputation as a sleepy company operating well below its potential .


  6. Another former inco executive says that of 29 colleagues who took part in a senior management strategy session in early 2007 , only six remain .


  7. Scott Hand , chairman and chief executive of Inco , said his company 's offer had been raised to reflect rising metal prices .


  8. The Teck bid is conditional on Inco abandoning the deal with Falconbridge .


  9. Inco was Vale 's first important acquisition outside Brazil and Mr Agnelli says the difficulties " are specifically in Sudbury , with the union " .


  10. Teck 's offer , valued at c $ 78.50a share , is about a quarter more than inco 's ruling share price over the past month .


  11. It wants to raise the threshold at which the Sudbury workers become eligible for the nickel bonus and to convert Inco 's pension plan from a defined benefit to a defined contribution model .


  12. Intellectual property lawyers say the likelihood of Vale Inco receiving a fair trial in a remote province like Hunan is slim , especially when the case involves such a large local company with excellent political connections .


  13. The tensions came to a head last July when more than 3,100 members of the United Steelworkers union went on strike at Inco 's flagship operations in Sudbury , Ontario , and a refinery near Niagara Falls .
