
  • 网络稲叶
  1. People in Guangzhou are more practical , open and progressive , says Mr Inaba .


  2. The main pathogen was 1d type of Inaba accounted for 96.2 % .


  3. This study suggests the Inaba strains in 2001 have evolved from new clones and not be an extension of those in 2001 .


  4. Mr Inaba acknowledged Toyota knew about sticky pedals in some models in Europe well before the San Diego accident and its US recall .


  5. Mr Inaba says the company is trying to deepen its supplier base in China , partly through using local companies and partly via Japanese component-makers with operations in the country .


  6. We were sometimes accused of being late to commit to the Chinese market , says Yoshimi Inaba , Toyota 's executive vice-president in charge of China operations .


  7. However , some members upbraided Mr Inaba over a previously disclosed internal memo boasting that Toyota saved $ 100m by limiting a 2007 vehicle recall .


  8. Conclusion : The results demonstrated that Inaba V.cholera is dominant in the strains isolated from Fuzhou in 2005 and the genetic homology of these isolates is very high .


  9. The committee questioned Mr Toyoda and Yoshimi Inaba , head of Toyota 's US operations , respectfully with little of the hostility meted out to three Detroit carmaker chief executives on Capitol Hill in November 2008 .
