- adj.考虑欠周的;计划不严密的

He made some ill-considered remarks about the cost .
He thought little of others , even though ill-considered himself .
He made a rather ill-considered move into the timber trade .
A man 's reputation may be sacrificed in a moment of ill-considered action .
Let 's not muddy the water with ill-considered proposals .
It is better to take time to agree a policy that will work than to rush through an ill-considered response .
To increase their income Charlotte and her sisters laid ill-considered plans to establish a school .
Various risk factors are endless in many aspects of the system , often because a part of ill-considered , may lead to huge losses .
Moderation in all things is ill-considered advice .
And it 's not something that they expect to happen , but it could be the consequences of an ill-considered action .
Hostile or ill-considered moves by either party can trigger regional instability that would impact global energy markets and draw the attention of every major world power .
Now the workers'backs have been put up by the ill-considered action of the Labour government it will take a long time to restore confidence and good relation .
Here is an area where it will be necessary to adapt to market movements rather than to attempt to reverse them by ill-considered intervention .
But the planned elimination of support for teaching of all but a few supposedly useful subjects looks hugely damaging and ill-considered .
It is an unwise and ill-considered step .
Moderation in all things'is ill-considered advice .
It flies away from him , perhaps when he needs it most . A man 's reputation may be sacrificed in a moment of ill-considered action .
Rising inequality is placing enormous strains on the political system , as is evident from a recent sequence of ill-considered policies that have been aimed at mitigating the problem .
A lot of intelligent residence quarters are welling up all over the contrary . However , some ill-considered phenomena occur during the progress of quarter intellectualization .
If voters are uninformed and easily swayed towards demagogues peddling short-term ill-considered policies , there is little hope for righting the course of capitalist economies .
So , every time a woman breaks a new barrier the rest of us tend to cheer -- even if she 's running a pollution-producing company or toting a gun in some ill-considered war .
Moreover , justice scalia 's suggestion that the organization seek a solution in the " offices of the department " is particularly ill-considered , since part of the organization 's claim was that the agency had failed to comply with public participation requirements .