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  1. Their consultation over , Igel resumed his study of the horizon .


  2. Igel sipped his tea and stared at a point far off .


  3. " You better dress warmly ," Igel advised . " This rain will changeover soon . "


  4. " Since you are the youngest ," Igel told me ," you have first choice of the clothes and boots . "


  5. A skink sunned itself on the rock that Igel had sat upon .


  6. In addition to Speck , Igel , B é ka and On-ions , there were seven others .


  7. Igel pondered over that secret sentence , then chewed on his own thoughts before spitting them out .


  8. On a gray morning , Igel himself chose to stay behind to watch over me , and as luck would have it , my friend Smaolach kept him company .


  9. As the cheering faded , Igel introduced each faery , but the jumble of names clanged against my ears .


  10. " If they catch you , they will think you a devil ," Igel told me . " And lock you away , or worse , they will test to see if they are right by throwing you in a fire . "
