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  • 网络国际唱片业协会;香港唱片销量大奖
  1. A Beijing court ruled in Baidu 's favour in November but the IFPI has vowed to appeal .


  2. Though EMI considers deep linking illegal , it has pulled out of the IFPI 's planned appeal against Baidu .


  3. " China is saturated with piracy , " an IFPI spokesperson said .


  4. Illegal streaming services and piracy via mobile devices , the IFPI says , are the next big threat .


  5. This approach is working , argues Frances Moore of the IFPI .


  6. The IFPI claims that 99 per cent of music consumed in China is downloaded illegally , following years of heavy CD copying .


  7. Digital music downloads , which had been growing quickly , stalled last year in America and Japan , according to the IFPI , a trade group .


  8. However , sustaining parallel business models will be challenging , warns John Kennedy , chairman and chief executive of the IFPI , the music industry association .


  9. The International Federation of the Phonographic Industry ( IFPI ) estimated that music-sharing doubled between 2006 and 2008 .


  10. " The judgements in the Baidu and Sohu / Sogou cases are extremely disappointing , and we are considering our next steps , " the IFPI said .


  11. The situation has changed so much in the last few months , says John Kennedy , who as chairman of the London-based IFPI has fought many of the record labels ' legal battles .


  12. Subscription services are the biggest growth area for the music industry , with revenues increasing 50 per cent to $ 1.1bn in 2013 , according to a recent report by the IFPI , the global music industry association .


  13. IFPI 's complaint centres on Yahoo China 's music search service , which allows users to easily find and listen to or download music available on the Chinese internet – the vast majority of which is pirated .


  14. The IFPI suit , which is backed by Sony BMG , Warner Music and Universal Music , accused Baidu of supporting piracy by making it easy for fans to find and download unlicensed tracks .
